Django Dashboard
Django Dashboard,Hello Coders, This article presents a curated list with Django Dashboards and Templates coded with basic modules, database, authentication, and deployment scripts ...
Django Dashboard Atlantis – Learn by coding simple tasks
Django Dashboard Atlantis - Learn by coding simple tasks,Hello Coders, This article aims to help students and beginners to learn programming by updating an open-source admin panel ...
Flask – A list of useful “HOW TO’s”
Flask - A list of useful “HOW TO’s”,Hello Coders, This article presents a shortlist with useful hints and features that might help developers code faster a Flask project. For ne...
Jinja Template – Cheat Sheet and FREE Samples
Jinja Template - Cheat Sheet and FREE Samples,Hello Coders, This article presents a short introduction to Flask/Jinja Template system, a modern and designer-friendly language for P...
Free Django Dashboards
Free Django Dashboards,Hello Coders, This article presents a curated list with Django Starters coded on top of modern UI Kits and released under the MIT License on GitHub. For newc...
Atlantis Lite – Simple Flask Dashboard
Atlantis Lite - Simple Flask Dashboard,Hello Coders, This article presents an Open-source Flask Dashboard generated by the AppSeed platform on top of Atlantis Lite design, a free B...
Django Dashboard Black – Open-Source Boilerplate Code
Django Dashboard Black - Open-Source Boilerplate Code,Hello Coders, This article presents a simple, open-source Django Dashboard crafted with authentication, database, basic module...
Jinja – Short introduction and Sample Apps
Jinja - Short introduction and Sample Apps,Hello Coders, This article is a short introduction to Jinja, a modern templating language used by Python programmers in frameworks like F...
Django Tutorial – Plugins
Django Tutorial - Plugins,Hello Coders, This Django Tutorial describes how to create the first third-party Django library or application similar to the ones listed on PyPI (Python ...
Django Templates – Short introduction and FREE samples
Django Templates - Short introduction and FREE samples,Hello Coders, This article presents a short introduction to Django Template system, a modern and designer-friendly language f...
Django Boilerplate – Free Starter with Argon Design coded in Django
Django Boilerplate - Free Starter with Argon Design coded in Django,Hello Coders, In this article, I will present a simple Django Boilerplate coded on top of Argon Design UI Kit (F...
HTML Parser – Extract HTML information with ease
HTML Parser - Extract HTML information with ease,Hello Coder, This article presents a few practical code snippets to extract and process HTML information using an HTML Parser Dev T...