交换机相关最终, 用判断语句实现所有可能场景 ` import telnetlib import time import pandas as pd import re def telnet_login(host_ip,username,password): tn=telnetlib.Telnet() try: tn.o...
Binary Search (Recursively) in Java
Binary Search (Recursively) in Java, Create a method binarySearch() inside BinarySearch class public class BinarySearch { int binarySearch(int arr[], int left, int right, int key) ...
Swapping A and B without 3rd variable
Swapping A and B without 3rd variable,So my teacher gave me a task, a simple task to swap two values in our new Java class. That was an easy task as we had a good background in the...
When Disaster Strikes: Production Troubleshooting
When Disaster Strikes: Production Troubleshooting,Tom Granot and myself have had the privilege of Vlad Mihalcea’s online company for a while now. As a result we decided to do a wo...
关于权限系统的一些思考,开始 权限系统无非是解决两个问题,Authentication(认证-你是谁)和 Authorization(授权-你能干什么)。 Authentication 认证的问题,很好理解,就是根据用户的身份凭...
How to Easily Deploy a Spring Boot Application on AWS Fargate
How to Easily Deploy a Spring Boot Application on AWS Fargate,Before entering the AWS Cloud world, as a Java developer, it was often difficult for me to get Java-based applications...
Kotlin Null Safety vs. Java: A Comedy of Errors (But Mostly in Java)
Kotlin Null Safety vs. Java: A Comedy of Errors (But Mostly in Java), Kotlin vs Java (21 Part Series) 1 Kotlin Null Safety vs. Java: A Comedy of Errors (But Mostly in Java) 2 Kotli...
IDEA中通义灵码的使用技巧,大家好,我是 V 哥。在日常写代码的过程中,通过 AI 工具辅助开发已是当下程序员惯用的方式,V 哥在使用了众多的 AI 工具后,多数情况下,选择通义灵码来辅助开发,尤...
Create a runtime hierarchical config engine in 5 minutes using Java
Create a runtime hierarchical config engine in 5 minutes using Java,One of many things Kiara DB can do. Please provide feedback and help this open source project improve. Here is a...
Spring Boot Part 4: Spring MVC with Thymeleaf
Spring Boot Part 4: Spring MVC with Thymeleaf,(This post has been updated at blog.hcf.dev with a later version of Spring Boot.) This series of articles will examine Spring Boot fea...
还在为慢速数据传输苦恼?Linux 零拷贝技术来帮你!
还在为慢速数据传输苦恼?Linux 零拷贝技术来帮你!,前言 程序员的终极追求是什么?当系统流量大增,用户体验却丝滑依旧?没错!然而,在大量文件传输、数据传递的场景中,传统的“数据搬运”却...
Wednesday Links – Edition 2021-04-14
Wednesday Links - Edition 2021-04-14, Wednesday Links (20 Part Series) 1 Wednesday Links - Edition 2021-03-24 2 Wednesday Links - Edition 2021-03-31 ... 16 more parts... 3 Wednesda...