Using bounded contexts to build a Java application
Using bounded contexts to build a Java application, What are bounded contexts? A bounded context is one of the core patterns in Domain-Driven Design (DDD). It represents how to div...
Trick,Trick: \(x\) 与各位数之和模 \(9\) 同余(CF10C) st表 和 线段树 可以存 gcd(CF10C) 注意函数增减性(CF1632D) dp 时若下标太大,可以调换下标和存储的数值(CF1974E) 贪心不成立...
Domain Graph Service (DGS) – open-source GraphQL framework for Spring Boot by Netflix
Domain Graph Service (DGS) - open-source GraphQL framework for Spring Boot by Netflix,GraphQL community is full of great stories about how GraphQL implementation changed a product,...
Spring Boot + Maven 多模块项目开发详解
Spring Boot + Maven 多模块项目开发详解 在现代软件开发中,模块化开发是一种非常重要的设计思想。它不仅能提高代码的可维护性,还能促进团队协作。今天,我们就来聊聊如何使用 Spring Boot 和...
Effective Java Tuesday! The Builder Pattern!
Effective Java Tuesday! The Builder Pattern!, Effective Java Review (90 Part Series) 1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let's Consider Static Factory Methods 2 Effective Java Tuesday! The B...
Building a Custom Framework in Java: From Dependency Injection to AOP
Building a Custom Framework in Java: From Dependency Injection to AOP,In the world of Java development, frameworks like Spring and Hibernate make life easier by managing complex fu...
阿里云开启ssl证书过程记录 NGINX
阿里云开启ssl证书过程记录 NGINX, 🤞作者简介:大家好,我是思无邪,2024 毕业生,某厂 Go 开发工程师.。 我的网站:https://www.yishanicode.top/ ,持续更新,希望对你有帮助。 如果文章或网...
Using JSON Web Tokens for Authorization
Using JSON Web Tokens for Authorization,Article originally posted on my personal website under Using JWT in Java A useful feature of a web application is the possibility to authori...
PART1: Java基础知识概述与Java的下载安装 1)Java语言概述: ① Java的发展史: 詹姆斯·高斯林(James Gosling) 1977年获得了加拿大卡尔加里大学计算机科学学士学位,1983年获得了美国卡内基...
Tricky Java quizzes to scale up your skills and for Interview Preparation
Tricky Java quizzes to scale up your skills and for Interview Preparation,https://devgym.oracle.com/pls/apex/dg/competition/java 原文链接:Tricky Java quizzes to scale up your skil...
Java mutability and immutability: Understanding the difference between the two.
Java mutability and immutability: Understanding the difference between the two.,Understanding immutability and mutability in Java is essential for effective programming, particular...
C#中Dictionary与ConcurrentDictionary解锁多线程操作安全之道, 使用C#中的Dictionary与ConcurrentDictionary进行多线程操作 在C#中,Dictionary是一个常见的字典类型,但它不是线程安全...