C#TMS系统学习(联表报表),C#TMS系统代码-联表报表学习 领导被裁了之后很快就有人上任了,几乎是无缝衔接,很难让我不想到这早就决定好了。我的职责没有任何变化。感受下来这个系统封装程度很...
深入理解Java Lambda表达式及其常用应用
深入理解Java Lambda表达式及其常用应用,深入理解Java Lambda表达式及其常用应用 在Java 8中,Lambda表达式为我们提供了一种简洁且强大的方法来处理函数式编程风格的代码。Lambda表达式让代码更...
Be or not to be a full-stack developer?
Be or not to be a full-stack developer?,I've seen many definitions of what is a full-stack developer, for me it is basically a developer that dominates all aspects (or stacks) of a...
AutoTable: Your Butler-Like Sharding Configuration Tool
AutoTable: Your Butler-Like Sharding Configuration Tool, Background Sharding is the core feature of Apache ShardingSphere. We guess, your old sharding workflow (without data migrat...
Using rust jni to call an external rust library in java
Using rust jni to call an external rust library in java, In this video we setup rust jni to call a rust function from java using jni. Java native interface is a great way to enable...
.NET ConfigureAwait FAQ (翻译)
.NET ConfigureAwait FAQ (翻译), 阅读了 https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/configureawait-faq/,感觉其对于 .NET 异步编程有非常有意义的指导,对于进一步学习和理解 .NET 异步编...
如何用串口调试助手ComTone调试串口?附安装包,前言 大家好,我是小徐啊。我们在调试应用的时候,有时候是需要进行串口通信的。但并不是每次都有实时的串口数据供我们去测试,这个时候就需要一...
Java and Docker – Memory and CPU Limits
Java and Docker - Memory and CPU Limits,This article originated on zsiegel.com For many years java developers have gotten used to tweaking their code and the JVM flags to gain both...
What is a Volatile Variable in Java?
What is a Volatile Variable in Java?,The volatile keyword is one of the less known and less understood keywords of the Java language. The goal of this article is to explain what it...
View Binding in Android.
View Binding in Android.,If you're familiar with native Android app development with either Java or Kotlin, then you've probably needed a means by which to write code that interac...
第20篇 window系统安装Redis流程
第20篇 window系统安装Redis流程,1.下载 Redis for Windows Redis 官方并没有提供 Windows 版本的安装包,但你可以使用 Microsoft 维护的 Windows 版本的 Redis。你可以从以下链接下载 Redis fo...
Return Statement in Programming Languages
Return Statement in Programming Languages, Return Statement:- It is used to return any value from a function/method when the method is being called in the main() in any programming...