编程技术 第770页
.net core使用Xabe.FFmpeg包获取视频首帧预览图-拾光赋

.net core使用Xabe.FFmpeg包获取视频首帧预览图

.net core使用Xabe.FFmpeg包获取视频首帧预览图, 简要说明需求:你有一个网络视频资源(http地址)或者上传的视频文件,怎么将视频资源的某一帧的画面生成图片对象保存呢? 要点: 1. 首先你需...
Creating a database entity in Spring Boot-拾光赋

Creating a database entity in Spring Boot

Creating a database entity in Spring Boot, Building Spring (3 Part Series) 1 What the heck is the Spring IoC container?!?! 2 Layers of a network and HTTP 3 Creating a database enti...
How to use Redis with Spring in Java-拾光赋

How to use Redis with Spring in Java

How to use Redis with Spring in Java,In a Java Project, you must include the following dependencies to use Redis database: 1.Use the Spring Data redis with Maven: <dependency>...
Strategy design pattern — Java-拾光赋

Strategy design pattern — Java

Strategy design pattern — Java, Definition of the Strategy pattern In computer programming, the strategy pattern **(also known as the **policy pattern) is a behavioral software de...
Concurrency in Java: The Dining Philosophers Problem-拾光赋

Concurrency in Java: The Dining Philosophers Problem

Concurrency in Java: The Dining Philosophers Problem, Table of Contents Introduction Problem Statement The Philosopher Unto The Chopstick The Feast So then where is the problem Sol...
Installing (multiple) Java on MacOS managed by jEnv-拾光赋

Installing (multiple) Java on MacOS managed by jEnv

Installing (multiple) Java on MacOS managed by jEnv, Install some Java! I'm gonna install three version's from openjdk using Homebrew! We should all know what Homebrew is by now......
Remote Fullstack Dev Opp with DC Saas Company-拾光赋

Remote Fullstack Dev Opp with DC Saas Company

Remote Fullstack Dev Opp with DC Saas Company,I am new here, dont hate me for trial and error! Four openings for a fintech-ish partner of mine down in DC. Transforming their profes...


测试一下tag的创建,先测试一下新的tag是怎么创建出来的 原文链接:测试一下tag的创建
Produzindo mensagens com Kafka e Schema Registry-拾光赋

Produzindo mensagens com Kafka e Schema Registry

Produzindo mensagens com Kafka e Schema Registry,Vamos iniciar uma série de artigos sobre Kafka, a intenção será mostrar a criação de diversas aplicações que irão se comun...
Is Java as safe as we believe?-拾光赋

Is Java as safe as we believe?

Is Java as safe as we believe?,Java is a programming language originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which has since been acquired by Oracle Corporation) and re...
Dockerizing a Spring Boot Application For Beginners-拾光赋

Dockerizing a Spring Boot Application For Beginners

Dockerizing a Spring Boot Application For Beginners, Prerequisites Install Docker on your machine (follow Docker's official installation guide). Basic Spring Boot Application - Mak...
聊聊jvm的内存结构, 以及各种结构的作用-拾光赋

聊聊jvm的内存结构, 以及各种结构的作用

聊聊jvm的内存结构, 以及各种结构的作用,什么是JVM 定义:Java Virtual Machine,JAVA程序的运行环境(JAVA二进制字节码的运行环境) 内存结构 JVM 内存布局规定了 Java 在运行过程中内存申请、...