【OpenVINO™】在 C# 中使用OpenVINO™ 部署PP-YOLOE实现物体检测
【OpenVINO™】在 C# 中使用OpenVINO™ 部署PP-YOLOE实现物体检测, 前言 OpenVINO™ C# API 是一个 OpenVINO™ 的 .Net wrapper,应用最新的 OpenVINO™ 库开发,通过 OpenVINO™ C API 实现 ...
On the subtleties of OOP
On the subtleties of OOP,It is not a overstatement to say that I am an enthusiast when it comes to object orientation. A well crafted object oriented system is a piece of art. Howe...
Share Split: Indian Sharing App to Transfer Files
Share Split: Indian Sharing App to Transfer Files,Playstore- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.sharesplit.android.android Share Split app enables quick and easy fil...
Create TestNG Project In Eclipse & Run Selenium Test Script
Create TestNG Project In Eclipse & Run Selenium Test Script,In the last article, we installed TestNG in Eclipse and did some environment set up for the same. Subsequently, we saw h...
Turn Your Spaghetti Code into Functions – Part 3
Turn Your Spaghetti Code into Functions - Part 3,Orignally posted at www.gunnargissel.com Picking up where we left off in Part II, let's set the stage for using a validator. We lef...
Lessons from a Month Learning Java
Lessons from a Month Learning Java,I started learning Java a month ago. Here are five simple programs I've written. I'll use these as hooks to share what I've learned in that time....
Python Cookbook(第3版)中文版-PDF免费下载
Python Cookbook(第3版)中文版-PDF免费下载,Python Cookbook(第3版)中文版-PDF免费下载 适读人群 :Python程序开发人员、编程爱好者、在校大学生 电子版仅供预览,下载后24小时内务必删除,...
Layer vs Feature Architecture
Layer vs Feature Architecture,I recently joined a new Project, and as always one of my first tasks was to become familiar with the existing codebase. In this JEE-Project, one of th...
JSON Logging in Spring Boot Applications
JSON Logging in Spring Boot Applications,Application logs are like the black box. When troubleshooting issues first thing I look at is the application logs. It becomes essential to...
论如何直接用EF Core实现创建更新时间、用户审计,自动化乐观并发、软删除和树形查询(上)
论如何直接用EF Core实现创建更新时间、用户审计,自动化乐观并发、软删除和树形查询(上),前言 数据库并发,数据审计和软删除一直是数据持久化方面的经典问题。早些时候,这些工作需要手写复...
manim边做边学--动画组合,动画组合类的作用是将多个动画组合起来,以实现更复杂的动画效果。 Manim中有4个用于动画组合的类: AnimationGroup:将多个动画组合在一起同时播放,能一次性呈现多个...
C# for the Java Developer: Enums
C# for the Java Developer: Enums, C# for the Java Developer (4 Part Series) 1 C# for the Java Developer: Extension Methods 2 C# for the Java Developer: Generics 3 C# for the Java D...