Stuff I Learned during Hanukkah of Data 2023
Stuff I Learned during Hanukkah of Data 2023, Background on Hanukkah of Data, motivation behind this post Hanukkah of Data is a series of data-themed puzzles, where you solve puzzl...
C 语言:类型转换与常量的细致理解
C 语言:类型转换与常量的细致理解,C 语言中的类型转换 有时,您必须将一种数据类型的值转换为另一种类型。这称为类型转换 隐式转换 当您将一种类型的值分配给另一种类型的变量时,编译器会自动...
Simple decorator to retry after exception
Simple decorator to retry after exception,Typical situation: you have unreliable function, for example, doing HTTP requests and getting exception from time to time. Maybe connectio...
Understanding JWT Token in Spring Boot Security with Chat GPT AI
Understanding JWT Token in Spring Boot Security with Chat GPT AI, Tech Deep Dive: Spring Boot Security with JWTs - A Must for Developers with Chat GPT-4 Prompts We cannot fight aga...
Error: Cannot select module with conflict on capability ‘com.google.guava:listenablefuture:1.0’ also provided by…
Error: Cannot select module with conflict on capability 'com.google.guava:listenablefuture:1.0' also provided by...,Error: Cannot select module with conflict on capability 'com.goo...
pinia初学习,pinia 两种写法定义pinia 第一种:对象形式 不需要写ref state直接就是响应式数据 import { defineStore } from 'pinia' export const useCounterStore = defineStore('useCounterS...
AWS SnapStart – Part 11 Measuring cold starts with Java 21 using different deployment artifact sizes
AWS SnapStart - Part 11 Measuring cold starts with Java 21 using different deployment artifact sizes, AWSSnapStartWithJava (26 Part Series) 1 AWS Lambda SnapStart - Part 1 Initial ...
C++ Qt开发:TreeWidget 树形选择组件
C++ Qt开发:TreeWidget 树形选择组件,Qt 是一个跨平台C++图形界面开发库,利用Qt可以快速开发跨平台窗体应用程序,在Qt中我们可以通过拖拽的方式将不同组件放到指定的位置,实现图形化开发极大...
AWS Lambda Inventory: How to List and Analyze Lambda Functions and CloudWatch Metrics with AWS SDK
AWS Lambda Inventory: How to List and Analyze Lambda Functions and CloudWatch Metrics with AWS SDK,Introduction: AWS Lambda has revolutionized serverless computing, providing unpar...
Top 42 Python libraries you need to know 🦾
Top 42 Python libraries you need to know 🦾, TL;DR Dive deep into Python with this cheat list featuring the only libraries any Pythonista needs to know. From data manipulation to M...
Interviews at the Java J-Fall 2023 Conference
Interviews at the Java J-Fall 2023 Conference,I had a lot of interesting talks with Java experts since I started producing the Foojay Podcast. But when I asked the organizers of th...
C++ Qt 开发:ListWidget列表框组件
C++ Qt 开发:ListWidget列表框组件,Qt 是一个跨平台C++图形界面开发库,利用Qt可以快速开发跨平台窗体应用程序,在Qt中我们可以通过拖拽的方式将不同组件放到指定的位置,实现图形化开发极大的...