Beginner Python Project: Build an Augmented Reality Drawing App Using OpenCV and Mediapipe
Beginner Python Project: Build an Augmented Reality Drawing App Using OpenCV and Mediapipe,In this Python project, we'll create a simple AR drawing app. Using your webcam and hand ...
Day-28 Dictionary, Frequency of character using nested loops
Day-28 Dictionary, Frequency of character using nested loops,Dictionary-{} Dictionaries are used to store data values in key:value pairs. A dictionary is a collection which is orde...
Four Reasons that I Sometimes Use Awk Instead of Python
Four Reasons that I Sometimes Use Awk Instead of Python,Python is a fantastic language, but in specific situations, Awk can offer significant advantages, particularly in terms of p...
从零开始的Python世界生活——语法基础先导篇(Python小白零基础光速入门上手),从零开始的Python世界生活——语法基础先导篇(Python小白零基础光速入门上手) 1. 准备阶段 1.1 下载并安装Pyth...
Day-27 Tuples, Set
Day-27 Tuples, Set,Tuples: Tuples maintain the order of elements as they are defined. Once a tuple is created, its contents cannot be changed. Like lists, tuples can contain duplic...
Introducing acolor: A small utility to print ANSI color codes
Introducing acolor: A small utility to print ANSI color codes,In my previous post, I wrote about a tool I wanted to create to print ANSI color codes to the console. I currently nee...
Setting Up Your First Rasa Project
Setting Up Your First Rasa Project, Rasa (3 Part Series) 1 What is Rasa? A Beginner’s Guide to Conversational AI 2 Why Choose Rasa Over Other Chatbot Frameworks? A Comprehensive C...
Why Struggle with Software Challenges When Tanzu Can Do the Heavy Lifting?
Why Struggle with Software Challenges When Tanzu Can Do the Heavy Lifting?, Building software is hard, right? Sure, we love writing clean Java or JavaScript code, but it often ...
Day-26 List Comprehension
Day-26 List Comprehension,List Comprehension: It's a syntactically elegant method to create or manipulate lists in a single line of code. Write a program to print the fruits contai...
Sngfetch – Shazam for the CLI
Sngfetch - Shazam for the CLI,Hi, my name is Pyth0g you won't recognise me since I'm a beginner, maybe intermediate developer who barely started his journey. Well that's enough abo...
If the setting is missing, add it yourself
If the setting is missing, add it yourself,So I’ve been playing this video game for a while… The game is called Everspace 2, developed and published by ROCKFISH Games. It’s an a...
Праздничные гонки Санты: Волшебство многопоточности Java
Праздничные гонки Санты: Волшебство многопоточности Java,В далёком снежном королевстве, где сугроб...