Legacy Interface
Legacy Interface, Suppose you are working on a very very big java project. Congratulations!!! Problem Scenario Suddenly your senior comes to your desk and says- 'Hey X, we need to ...
AI大模型的相关的一些基础知识,一些背景和基础知识。 多模型强应用AI 2.0时代应用开发者的机会。 0 大纲 AI产业的拆解和常见名词 应用级开发者,在目前这样一个大背景下的一个职业上面的一些机...
Lançando meu primeiro software livre: Yeoman Quarkus Generator
Lançando meu primeiro software livre: Yeoman Quarkus Generator,O post de hoje é um pouco diferente dos demais. Não teremos nenhum tutorial porque vou fazer meu momento jabá. Vi...
一款后台管理框架的年终总结,这是一篇关于 Fantastic-admin 这款后台管理框架的年终总结。 不过与其说是年终总结,更像是一场回顾,看看这一年 Fantastic-admin 都做了哪些与众不同的功能,也给...
一个纯前端实现的头像生成网站,大家好,我是 Java陈序员。 今天,给大家介绍一个纯前端实现的头像生成网站。 关注微信公众号:【Java陈序员】,获取开源项目分享、AI副业分享、超200本经典计算...
throw 和 throws 在 Java 中是两个与异常处理相关的关键字,但它们的作用和使用场景有所不同。 throw 用于在方法内部主动抛出一个异常对象。例如: if (condition) { throw new RuntimeExceptio...
Packaging Spring Boot Applications Efficient Deployments Efficient Deployments 默认情况下,基于SpringBoot框架开发应用时,构建插件spring-boot-maven-plugin将项目打包为fat jar。 执行...
在 SQLAlchemy 中实现数据处理的时候,实现表自引用、多对多、联合查询,有序id等常见的一些经验总结
在 SQLAlchemy 中实现数据处理的时候,实现表自引用、多对多、联合查询,有序id等常见的一些经验总结,有时候,我们在使用SQLAlchemy操作某些表的时候,需要使用外键关系来实现一对多或者多对多...
C++ Templates and Java Generics: Two different approaches to generic programming
C++ Templates and Java Generics: Two different approaches to generic programming, Intro Generic programming is the ability to abstract away concrete types and was first introduced ...
Building a simple rest API with SpringBoot
Building a simple rest API with SpringBoot, If you have read my previous articles, you may know that i like to use an object that symbolises human as example, so I will continue in...
Ready to Serve – A plug and play backend server
Ready to Serve - A plug and play backend server, What I built A backend server for people who don't want to write backend code. Ready to Serve lets you set up a server with functio...