How to find value using path array on structural document in Java
How to find value using path array on structural document in Java,Sometimes we need to find a value on structural document like JSON, YAML. Also there is sometime to need to find a...
How to prevent a potential remote code execution via SnakeYAML deserialization
How to prevent a potential remote code execution via SnakeYAML deserialization,A popular java library for YAML parsing, SnakeYAML, has a well know vulnerability if used incorrectly...
Preventing YAML parsing issues in Java
Preventing YAML parsing issues in Java,YAML is a human-readable language to serialize data that’s commonly used for config files. The word YAML is an acronym for “YAML ain’t a m...
How to handling internal Yaml in Jar.
How to handling internal Yaml in Jar., Intro. Some far ago, I've been introducing 'How to manage your configuration file with YAML in Java programmatically' in previous post. if yo...
How to manage your configuration file with YAML in Java programmatically
How to manage your configuration file with YAML in Java programmatically, Introduction YAML is most useful data format to describe structural hierarchy in these days. It's more sim...
Modern YAML For Modern Java
Modern YAML For Modern Java,Since Java does not have a standard API for YAML and since, starting YAML 1.2, the format is supposed to be a superset of JSON, we decided to create a p...