Unleashing Non-Technical Superpowers in the Software Development Lifecycle
Unleashing Non-Technical Superpowers in the Software Development Lifecycle,When we think about skills that make a great software developer, data scientist, or QA engineer, our mind...
Starting Strong: First-Day Rituals to Set Yourself Up for Success
Starting Strong: First-Day Rituals to Set Yourself Up for Success,This week was a big shift in our program. I started at my host company for the first time! Working remotely brings...
Optimizing Your Work-from-Home Setup for Career Success
Optimizing Your Work-from-Home Setup for Career Success,As I enter the final week of lectures in my data engineering apprenticeship and prepare for my first full week of combined l...
Mastering Time Management: Tips and Techniques to Boost Productivity
Mastering Time Management: Tips and Techniques to Boost Productivity,Backstory: I have always wanted the comfortable things in life, wanted to started a career in tech, get my own ...