An alternative look at workflows in cloud era
An alternative look at workflows in cloud era,Workflows have been around software development for many decades. With its peak popularity around the SOA (service oriented architectu...
Canceling a Tekton TaskRun with Fabric8 Kubernetes Java Client
Canceling a Tekton TaskRun with Fabric8 Kubernetes Java Client, This work is being done as part of my open-source contribution to Boomerang Flow, a low-code cloud-native workflow a...
Converting to Tekton in Boomerang Flow using Fabric8
Converting to Tekton in Boomerang Flow using Fabric8,Recently, as part of work on version 3 of Boomerang Flow, we undertook a decision to migrate from Kubernetes Jobs to Tekton Tas...
Sending email using flowable workflow engine
Sending email using flowable workflow engine,Integrating Email task in Flowable. If doing from flowable-UI follow this. Once you are done with the filing To, From, Html/HtmlVar, et...