🧪 Тестирование с TestRestTemplate и MockMvc: миссия “Котики против багов”
🧪 Тестирование с TestRestTemplate и MockMvc: миссия 'Котики против багов' ,Добро пожаловать, отважный охотник з...
How to Create a Custom Claims Management Application in Just 5 Minutes
How to Create a Custom Claims Management Application in Just 5 Minutes,Traditional custom software development, especially in the fintech and insurance sectors, often demands signi...
Introdução ao AWS Lambda: O Poder do Serverless
Introdução ao AWS Lambda: O Poder do Serverless,AWS Lambda é um serviço da Amazon Web Services (AWS) que permite executar código sem a necessidade de provisionar ou gerenciar ...
Understanding the Java Memory Model: Heap and Stack Explained
Understanding the Java Memory Model: Heap and Stack Explained,After understanding how Java handles pass by value and pass by reference, the next step is to dive deeper into Java’s...
Understanding “Pass by Value” and “Pass by Reference” in Java
Understanding “Pass by Value” and “Pass by Reference” in Java,When it comes to method arguments, one of the most misunderstood topics in Java programming is the difference betw...
A Comprehensive Guide to JDBC in Java: How It Works and best practices
A Comprehensive Guide to JDBC in Java: How It Works and best practices,Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is a core part of the Java ecosystem that allows Java applications to inter...
Understanding SOLID Principles in Software Design
Understanding SOLID Principles in Software Design,The SOLID principles are a set of guidelines that help software developers design robust, scalable, and maintainable systems. Thes...
Custom Insurance Software Development: Streamlining Processes for Faster Deployment
Custom Insurance Software Development: Streamlining Processes for Faster Deployment,Custom insurance software development offers insurers the opportunity to transform their operati...
A journey to optimize a SpringData SQL query with N+1s
A journey to optimize a SpringData SQL query with N+1s, Some context While browsing my app in pre-production, I noticed that the homepage was starting to take a long time to load.....
Ethical Hacking: Safeguarding the Digital Frontier️
Ethical Hacking: Safeguarding the Digital Frontier️,Ethical hacking, often referred to as penetration testing or white-hat hacking, involves authorized attempts to breach a comput...
Sakura Boot: Reduce boilerplate, save time, build backends faster with Spring Boot
Sakura Boot: Reduce boilerplate, save time, build backends faster with Spring Boot,Today, I want to introduce an open-source framework I've been working on: Sakura Boot. Introducti...
Efficiently Handling High Concurrency with AWS Lambda SnapStart: A Step-by-Step Guide
Efficiently Handling High Concurrency with AWS Lambda SnapStart: A Step-by-Step Guide, Introduction Modern online services frequently face unexpected surges in user activity. It's ...