watercooler 第4页
What were some quirks and gotchas about working with Python 1?-拾光赋

What were some quirks and gotchas about working with Python 1?

What were some quirks and gotchas about working with Python 1?,Python 2 was released in October 2000, but Python 1 was released to the world six years earlier, in 1994 - much like ...
What makes a training advanced?-拾光赋

What makes a training advanced?

What makes a training advanced?,I've recently had the chance to attend an advanced Python course. I was really waiting for those three days. By the end of it, my enthusiasm waned. ...
How To Make Dev Better In 2020-拾光赋

How To Make Dev Better In 2020

How To Make Dev Better In 2020,Today I'd like to discuss the 5 ways we can make dev a better place in 2020, and I already broke number 1. 1. Stop with the '...in 2020' posts (no cl...
Java compiler error cascades... and fixing them-拾光赋

Java compiler error cascades… and fixing them

Java compiler error cascades... and fixing them,So you know how, when programming, in a sudden realization of the power of code reuse, you decide to merge two prior programs you wr...