watercooler 第3页
The 22 Most-Used Python Packages in The World in 2021-拾光赋

The 22 Most-Used Python Packages in The World in 2021

The 22 Most-Used Python Packages in The World in 2021,Hi dev.to, I assembled the top 22 most used Python packages in the world and wrote a bit about each of them. I had a lot of fu...
Java compiler error cascades... and fixing them-拾光赋

Java compiler error cascades… and fixing them

Java compiler error cascades... and fixing them,So you know how, when programming, in a sudden realization of the power of code reuse, you decide to merge two prior programs you wr...
GUI Dictionary using api calls in python (with pronunciation)-拾光赋

GUI Dictionary using api calls in python (with pronunciation)

GUI Dictionary using api calls in python (with pronunciation),Dictionary is defined by Merriam-Webster as “a reference book listing alphabetically the words of one language and sh...
Python 3.11 will be renamed, rebranding confirmed-拾光赋

Python 3.11 will be renamed, rebranding confirmed

Python 3.11 will be renamed, rebranding confirmed, 原文链接:Python 3.11 will be renamed, rebranding confirmed
Automate Build and deploy of Python Package using Github actions.-拾光赋

Automate Build and deploy of Python Package using Github actions.

Automate Build and deploy of Python Package using Github actions.,Are you tired of manually building and deploying Python packages to PyPi. Well here is the solution. What you need...
Java by Comparison by Simon Harrer, Jörg Lenhard, Linus Dietz-拾光赋

Java by Comparison by Simon Harrer, Jörg Lenhard, Linus Dietz

Java by Comparison by Simon Harrer, Jörg Lenhard, Linus Dietz,I'm not a Java developer - anymore - yet I find that a big part of this book can be useful for any junior programmer....
Find Open Source Project to Contribute-拾光赋

Find Open Source Project to Contribute

Find Open Source Project to Contribute, Open Source (6 Part Series) 1 Find Open Source Project to Contribute 2 20+ Open Source Project for Beginners ... 2 more parts... 3 5 Reposit...
How To Make Dev Better In 2020-拾光赋

How To Make Dev Better In 2020

How To Make Dev Better In 2020,Today I'd like to discuss the 5 ways we can make dev a better place in 2020, and I already broke number 1. 1. Stop with the '...in 2020' posts (no cl...
Basic data-structures every programmer should know pt1: Ref cards-拾光赋

Basic data-structures every programmer should know pt1: Ref cards

Basic data-structures every programmer should know pt1: Ref cards,The data structure is a method of organizing the data for effective use. It is important to understand the differe...
Live session: Event-Driven & code generation with AsyncAPI and Solace 10/06/2020-拾光赋

Live session: Event-Driven & code generation with AsyncAPI and Solace 10/06/2020

Live session: Event-Driven & code generation with AsyncAPI and Solace 10/06/2020, Two types of people During The 2020 Quarantine, I had the opportunity to delve deep into my though...
Write better functions in Python!!-拾光赋

Write better functions in Python!!

Write better functions in Python!!,By seeing the title you may get an idea of what we are going to discuss. So, let's waste no time and dive into the topic. After writing functions...
What makes a training advanced?-拾光赋

What makes a training advanced?

What makes a training advanced?,I've recently had the chance to attend an advanced Python course. I was really waiting for those three days. By the end of it, my enthusiasm waned. ...