watercooler 第2页
Is There an Equivalent of Spring Boot for Kotlin?-拾光赋

Is There an Equivalent of Spring Boot for Kotlin?

Is There an Equivalent of Spring Boot for Kotlin?, The joy of Kotlin (20 Part Series) 1 How Kotlin makes editing your Gradle build less frustrating 2 Better dependency management i...
JavaScript developers, what was it like to start learning Python?-拾光赋

JavaScript developers, what was it like to start learning Python?

JavaScript developers, what was it like to start learning Python?,I have always been fond of the thought of learning Python and the possibilities it brings. Not only can you incorp...
What were some quirks and gotchas about working with Python 1?-拾光赋

What were some quirks and gotchas about working with Python 1?

What were some quirks and gotchas about working with Python 1?,Python 2 was released in October 2000, but Python 1 was released to the world six years earlier, in 1994 - much like ...
Should I learn Java?-拾光赋

Should I learn Java?

Should I learn Java?,Yes it's another one of those posts. I am at a crossroads, I want to call myself full stack in the enterprise world so that the roles that I frequently land ca...
Basic data-structures every programmer should know pt1: Ref cards-拾光赋

Basic data-structures every programmer should know pt1: Ref cards

Basic data-structures every programmer should know pt1: Ref cards,The data structure is a method of organizing the data for effective use. It is important to understand the differe...
My Weather App Journey with Pyramid Framework ️️-拾光赋

My Weather App Journey with Pyramid Framework ️️

My Weather App Journey with Pyramid Framework ️️,Hey friends, this is Amir from Bek Brace YT channel yet again with another DEV blogpost, and today I'm super excited to share my ...
How a Lottery Quest Led Me to The Powers of PyTorch-拾光赋

How a Lottery Quest Led Me to The Powers of PyTorch

How a Lottery Quest Led Me to The Powers of PyTorch, Introduction At some point in time, you have probably heard that your chances of winning a lottery are very slim. As with all t...
The 22 Most-Used Python Packages in The World in 2021-拾光赋

The 22 Most-Used Python Packages in The World in 2021

The 22 Most-Used Python Packages in The World in 2021,Hi dev.to, I assembled the top 22 most used Python packages in the world and wrote a bit about each of them. I had a lot of fu...
Java compiler error cascades... and fixing them-拾光赋

Java compiler error cascades… and fixing them

Java compiler error cascades... and fixing them,So you know how, when programming, in a sudden realization of the power of code reuse, you decide to merge two prior programs you wr...
How To Make Dev Better In 2020-拾光赋

How To Make Dev Better In 2020

How To Make Dev Better In 2020,Today I'd like to discuss the 5 ways we can make dev a better place in 2020, and I already broke number 1. 1. Stop with the '...in 2020' posts (no cl...
ChatGPT is Game Changing! – heapq explained by an AI tool-拾光赋

ChatGPT is Game Changing! – heapq explained by an AI tool

ChatGPT is Game Changing! – heapq explained by an AI tool,In the past few days, I have read a lot of twitter posts about ChatGPT and I was impressed by all the example I had seen,...
Suggestions for coding stream time/day, content, languages-拾光赋

Suggestions for coding stream time/day, content, languages

Suggestions for coding stream time/day, content, languages,It's been a while DEV! A few months ago I toyed with the idea of streaming coding sessions where I'd do some casual codin...