vue 第66页
Primer post por aquí...-拾光赋

Primer post por aquí…

Primer post por aquí...,Hey! Hola a todos, espero estén bien. Es mi primer post por aquí, para comenzar a compartir voy a contar un poco de mí. Mi nombre es Efrain Rivera, teng...
VUE/React, JavaScript/Python vs Data Science-拾光赋

VUE/React, JavaScript/Python vs Data Science

VUE/React, JavaScript/Python vs Data Science,Is Datascience used often “with” vue or React? Or, how often is pandas/Numpy used with vue/React? Is Datascience, stable for a job? ...
Vue Based SEO analysis tool!-拾光赋

Vue Based SEO analysis tool!

Vue Based SEO analysis tool!, 1. Very Small Size The success of JavaScript framework depends on its size. The smaller the size is, the more it will be used. One of the greatest adv...
Image Recognition Website using Python & Javascript-拾光赋

Image Recognition Website using Python & Javascript

Image Recognition Website using Python & Javascript, Hello Community! Example before we start Background So the other day I decided to dig deeper into Flask. Due to not having the ...
PYTHON/DJANGO vs REACT/VUE which is better to focus on?-拾光赋

PYTHON/DJANGO vs REACT/VUE which is better to focus on?

PYTHON/DJANGO vs REACT/VUE which is better to focus on?,Is Django worth it to use as styling? OR, should you concentrate on React/Vue for styling? I don’t like the templates, I li...
Using VueJS alongside Django-拾光赋

Using VueJS alongside Django

Using VueJS alongside Django, Introduction I am the creator of It is a web application to organize the keyboard shortcuts you use, get better at using them...
Saving web pages with Vue and Node via Newspaper3k-拾光赋

Saving web pages with Vue and Node via Newspaper3k

Saving web pages with Vue and Node via Newspaper3k,While the Under Cloud has an extension for Google Chrome that allows us to save a selection of text from a web page, what’s been...
How to create amazing SSR website with Wagtail 2 + Vue 3-拾光赋

How to create amazing SSR website with Wagtail 2 + Vue 3

How to create amazing SSR website with Wagtail 2 + Vue 3, Why do I do that? I want to share some tools combined with best practices. This setup is flexible enough to create huge we...
Job Alerts for Positions, are these good?-拾光赋

Job Alerts for Positions, are these good?

Job Alerts for Positions, are these good?,So for “junior web developer” I have my settings set to “Entry, intern, contract”, The main ones that show up are Java, Python, React ...
Setting up user authentication with Nuxtjs and Django Rest Framework [Part - 1]-拾光赋

Setting up user authentication with Nuxtjs and Django Rest Framework [Part – 1]

Setting up user authentication with Nuxtjs and Django Rest Framework [Part - 1],The tutorial has been split into two parts- setting up the backend, and setting up the frontend. The...
Vue.js vs Django/Python which would you prefer when and for what?-拾光赋

Vue.js vs Django/Python which would you prefer when and for what?

Vue.js vs Django/Python which would you prefer when and for what?,In between Vue and Python/Django Which do you prefer for to use for what? I’ve been using django and I like it. I...
What’s your Hard Drive setup? React/Vue/Python-拾光赋

What’s your Hard Drive setup? React/Vue/Python

What’s your Hard Drive setup? React/Vue/Python,Is it ok to use a wireless hard drive? So I can create a React, Vue or Python project, and access it whenever in my house. So I can ...