Change the Python3 default Version in Ubuntu
Change the Python3 default Version in Ubuntu,By default python on mostly ubuntu, there is python 2. We need to use python3 to run the python files with the latest version. After re...
How to auto change desktop wallpaper every minute using Python
How to auto change desktop wallpaper every minute using Python, This post was originally posted on https://shaikh.com This post has been updated to include changes to support Linux...
How to setup alarm for CPU usage using IFTTT ?
How to setup alarm for CPU usage using IFTTT ?,Monitoring CPU and memory usage are one of the top todo checklist for a backend engineer. Sometimes you wont even notice when your se...
Installing OpenJDK 15 on Ubuntu 20.04
Installing OpenJDK 15 on Ubuntu 20.04,This post shows how to manually install OpenJDK on your Ubuntu system. This example uses the latest releases of ubuntu (20.04) and OpenJDK (15...
How to switch between Python 3 versions
How to switch between Python 3 versions,I'm new in the Python world, and the big change I know it happened this year 2020 (in the Python world, because in the real world many many ...
Deploy A Flask App On AWS EC2
Deploy A Flask App On AWS EC2,Flask is a web framework for python, meaning that it provides a simple interface for dynamically generating responses to web requests. Let’s start by...
Making Python3 default in Ubuntu
Making Python3 default in Ubuntu,I came into the python world at 2017, and ever since then, I have never thought of using Python2. Now in 2020, I just updated my OS to Ubuntu 20.04...
Setup Java and VS Code on Ubuntu
Setup Java and VS Code on Ubuntu,Settings up your development environment for Java on Ubuntu is straight forward. We are going to install the Java SDK and VS code with the Java ext...
Flask HTTPS How to Host a Flask Server With Gunicorn and HTTPS
Flask HTTPS How to Host a Flask Server With Gunicorn and HTTPS,In this tutorial, we will be setting up a Flask server using Gunicorn and NGINX on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Requirements Any...
How to install JDK in Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, (or) 20.04
How to install JDK in Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, (or) 20.04, Step 1: Update Ubuntu $ sudo apt-get update step 2: Download java jdk file [https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-j...
How to setup Python Flask applications with Gunicorn and Nginx on Ubuntu
How to setup Python Flask applications with Gunicorn and Nginx on Ubuntu, In this tutorial, you will learn How to setup Python Flask applications with Gunicorn and Nginx on Ubuntu ...
¿Como instalar Odoo 13 Community en Ubuntu 20.04 con PostgreSql 12?
¿Como instalar Odoo 13 Community en Ubuntu 20.04 con PostgreSql 12?,Hay varias formas de instalar Odoo dependiendo del caso de uso requerido. No obstante, considero que la forma m...