Static Duck Typing in Python with Protocols
Static Duck Typing in Python with Protocols,At Source, we write most of our code in Python. It's a language that both our Software Engineers and Data Scientists are equally at home...
`TypeVar`s explained
`TypeVar`s explained,If you're totally unfamiliar with type annotations in Python, my previous article should get you started. In this post, I'm going to show you how to use type v...
Why You Should Learn Java First: Part 1, Basic Typing
Why You Should Learn Java First: Part 1, Basic Typing, When it came time to sign up for my first college classes, I was completely overwhelmed by the choices. Numerous biology clas...
Lazy Type (custom-abbreviation)
Lazy Type (custom-abbreviation),this (link) mini script gives you chance to write everyday text with simple abbreviations. you should add keyboard.add_abbreviation('Abbreviation','...