What I learned after creating and sharing an interactive twitter bot and getting 1000’s of replies
What I learned after creating and sharing an interactive twitter bot and getting 1000's of replies, The Tweet that started it So two days ago I tweeted for the 11th day in my #1ooD...
Wikiquote Twitter Bot
Wikiquote Twitter Bot, Context When you learn to code, it's always a good idea to work on a project that keeps you motivated. I always had a passion for IoT and APIs, so I decided ...
How To Lose Every Follower in 10 Days
How To Lose Every Follower in 10 Days,This post originally appeared on the blog &computers and has been truncated a bit. &computers might not have the answers to growing a ...
Tutorial: Creating a COVID-19 Twitter Bot
Tutorial: Creating a COVID-19 Twitter Bot,We love when our Community members share how they are using WayScript. Erik Toor created this great video using Python and WayScript, and ...
Análise de sentimentos | Twitter com Azure Cognitive Services
Análise de sentimentos | Twitter com Azure Cognitive Services,Com Python + Azure temos uma forma fácil de usar inteligência artificial em nossas aplicações O objetivo desse ar...
Quarantine Counter From A Python Noob
Quarantine Counter From A Python Noob,I decided to make use of the self quarantine, work from home time to start learning some skills on the side. I started looking at Python (agai...
Data gathering with python. An Example, get the tweets (part 2)
Data gathering with python. An Example, get the tweets (part 2),In the previous post, the part one I've displayed how to automate part of the data gathering process where you know ...
Sync Tweets to a Telegram Channel Using Account Activity API
Sync Tweets to a Telegram Channel Using Account Activity API,Yet another post that has something to do with Telegram. Yeah, I know, but there’s never such thing as too much when y...
Running the Python Package for Search Tweets in R
Running the Python Package for Search Tweets in R,This tutorial was originally posted to the Twitter developer blog. Reticulate is a package for R that allows you to run Python cod...
Need a hug? There’s a bot for that!
Need a hug? There's a bot for that!,Hey all! I know I haven't posted in a while, but after a long break I finally had a free weekend and was able to work on a side project (my firs...
Analyzing Twitter data with Python: Part 1
Analyzing Twitter data with Python: Part 1, The Question What if we want to understand the impact of the tweet by a user on particular topic. let's say a user tweeted about a parti...
Migrate to Twitter’s newly released Labs recent search endpoint
Migrate to Twitter’s newly released Labs recent search endpoint,In January, Twitter announced the launch of a new search endpoint. This endpoint is available in Twitter Developer ...