Detecting toxicity in Tweets using the Twitter API v2 and the Perspective API
Detecting toxicity in Tweets using the Twitter API v2 and the Perspective API,The Perspective API allows developers and researchers to study and analyze text to detect toxicity in ...
Plotting Bookmarks with Flask, Matplotlib, and OAuth 2.0
Plotting Bookmarks with Flask, Matplotlib, and OAuth 2.0,I don’t Bookmark Tweets very often, and I was wondering how constantly I use the Bookmark functionality on Twitter. To fig...
Detecting attempts of mass influencing via social networks with NLP. Part 2
Detecting attempts of mass influencing via social networks with NLP. Part 2,In Part 1 of this article, I built and compared two classifiers to detect trolls on Twitter. You can che...
Detecting attempts of mass influencing via social networks with NLP. Part 1
Detecting attempts of mass influencing via social networks with NLP. Part 1,During the last decades, the world’s population has been developing as an information society, which me...
Handling Refresh Tokens in the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow with PKCE with Flask
Handling Refresh Tokens in the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow with PKCE with Flask,We recently released OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow with PKCE for use with most of our v2 e...
A guide to working with the Twitter API v2 in Java using twitter-api-java-sdk
A guide to working with the Twitter API v2 in Java using twitter-api-java-sdk,twitter-api-java-sdk is Twitter's official SDK for Java that supports the Twitter API v2 and the acade...
TWITTER BOT WITH PYTHON,salut les gars... dans mes heures perdues j'ai pensé à mettre sur pied un bot pour la communauté de dev du Cameroun sur Twitter. pratiquement le bot doit...
Exploring Tweets from a user’s reverse chronological timeline
Exploring Tweets from a user's reverse chronological timeline,The reverse chronological timeline endpoint in the Twitter API v2 returns Tweets that appear in a user's home timeline...
Understanding the entire conversation around a Tweet with the Twitter API v2
Understanding the entire conversation around a Tweet with the Twitter API v2,The Twitter API allows developers and researchers to get Twitter data programmatically. Researchers int...
Auto-updating Twitter banner with ezz
Auto-updating Twitter banner with ezz,So I used to use a web service called BlackMagic to update my twitter banner. But that's boring, because it got quite common to see people wit...
Simple Twitter Bot to Retweet & Favorite Using Python & Tweepy
Simple Twitter Bot to Retweet & Favorite Using Python & Tweepy, Intro I came across the #TwitterBotChallengeKE while scrolling through Twitter's great tech communities. As a genuin...
Make a Dashboard for Your Twitter Stats With Python And Anvil
Make a Dashboard for Your Twitter Stats With Python And Anvil, Make Your Own Twitter Analytics (4 Part Series) 1 Using Twitter's API to Gather Tweet Stats (and Follower Data) in Py...