关于Pycharm IDE 的一个高危操作警示
关于Pycharm IDE 的一个高危操作警示, 如果修改某个某块的名称,Pycharm会自动进行关联修改,在这个位置(左下角)会出现 Do refactor 按钮 一但点击确认,可能代码内所有的不相关的名称也会被...
How I build my personal assistant!
How I build my personal assistant!, Table of Contents Introduction Available Commands How to Use How to Set Up the Bot Warning Price Database Open VScode tunnel Summarize Sound ...
Managing Python Deps with Poetry
Managing Python Deps with Poetry, Introduction Managing dependencies in Python projects can often become cumbersome, especially as projects grow in complexity. Poetry is a modern d...
JSON Hell to JSON Heaven in 30 Second: The Tool Every Developer Has Been Missing #JSeek
JSON Hell to JSON Heaven in 30 Second: The Tool Every Developer Has Been Missing #JSeek, TL;DR JSeek is a robust command-line tool that makes searching, exploring, and manipulating...
TIL: 3️⃣ ways I use Large Language Models to increase learning efficiency
TIL: 3️⃣ ways I use Large Language Models to increase learning efficiency, Today I Learn: Mrzaizai2k (4 Part Series) 1 TIL: Block tabs and Get IP in Javascript 2 TIL: MoveDuplica...
FastAPI Tutorial: Build, Deploy, and Secure an API for Free
FastAPI Tutorial: Build, Deploy, and Secure an API for Free, This article is written by Marcelo Trylesinski, a > FastAPI expert and > maintainer of Starlette and > Uvicorn...
Blackfire now supports Java: deeper insights, faster optimization
Blackfire now supports Java: deeper insights, faster optimization ,We're excited to announce: Blackfire continuous profiling now supports Java! 🤯 Java is one of the most widely us...
80/20 Principles
80/20 Principles, Today I Learn: Mrzaizai2k (3 Part Series) 1 TIL: Block tabs and Get IP in Javascript 2 TIL: MoveDuplicates – My Solution to Duplicate Image Clutter 3 80/20 Princ...
OpenRewrite: Refactoring as code
OpenRewrite: Refactoring as code, NOTE Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir, je n’utiliserai pas le mot reusiner, et certainement pas non plus le mot refactoriser. Cette note sera don...
SubSurfer, SubSurfer SubSurfer is an open-source security tool designed for efficiently identifying subdomains and network subnets. It leverages both passive and active scanning te...
How to Create a Wikipedia CLI
How to Create a Wikipedia CLI, How to Build a Wikipedia CLI Tool Using Python and the Wikipedia API Creating a command-line interface (CLI) tool for Wikipedia can be a rewarding pr...
TIL: MoveDuplicates – My Solution to Duplicate Image Clutter
TIL: MoveDuplicates – My Solution to Duplicate Image Clutter , Today I Learn: Mrzaizai2k (2 Part Series) 1 TIL: Block tabs and Get IP in Javascript 2 TIL: MoveDuplicates – My Sol...