Wednesday Links – Edition 2024-12-18
Wednesday Links - Edition 2024-12-18, Wednesday Links (232 Part Series) 1 Wednesday Links - Edition 2020-05-27 2 Wednesday Links - Edition 2020-06-03 ... 228 more parts... 3 Wednes...
Spring Boot Testing — Testcontainers and Flyway
Spring Boot Testing — Testcontainers and Flyway,This is the second part of the Spring Boot Testing article series. The code snippets are taken from this repository. You can clone ...
Run MongoDB Atlas locally for testing
Run MongoDB Atlas locally for testing,What happens to your MongoDB replica set when it comes to failures like network partitioning, restarting, reconfiguration of the existing topo...
Adding Integration Tests in Spring Boot with Testcontainers
Adding Integration Tests in Spring Boot with Testcontainers,Good software always includes automated tests to detect errors during the creation and modification of the code. In this...
Micronaut integration testing using testcontainers
Micronaut integration testing using testcontainers,Micronaut is a modern, JVM-based, full-stack framework for building modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applicat...
The Testcontainers’ MongoDB Module and Spring Data MongoDB in Action
The Testcontainers’ MongoDB Module and Spring Data MongoDB in Action, Table Of Contents Introduction Business logic implementation Test implementation How can I play with the code...
Dockerize your integration tests
Dockerize your integration tests,Most of our applications have to talk to a database, a HTTP API, a message broker, a SMTP server, etc… And it's quite complicated to set up a real...