Python Websockets SSL with Let's Encrypt-拾光赋

Python Websockets SSL with Let’s Encrypt

Python Websockets SSL with Let's Encrypt,This tutorial is an explanation of my gist Python Websockets SSL with Let's Encrypt . With the launch of HTML5 in 2008, a technology that i...
HttpClient can't connect to a TLS proxy-拾光赋

HttpClient can’t connect to a TLS proxy

HttpClient can't connect to a TLS proxy,This is going to be a short and to the point post. Mainly because I'm pretty tired already from trying to figure this out . Problem Java's H...
Easily configure SSL/TLS Connection-拾光赋

Easily configure SSL/TLS Connection

Easily configure SSL/TLS Connection,Setting up encryption for your application, how hard can it be? I thought it would be easy, after all, all communication with modern web applica...
SSL certificate for java application-拾光赋

SSL certificate for java application

SSL certificate for java application,A third-party service is available via https, so how can java app connect to that service? Truststore and Keystore Java has two places for save...
HTTPS Client Certificate Authentication With Java-拾光赋

HTTPS Client Certificate Authentication With Java

HTTPS Client Certificate Authentication With Java,I recently had to develop a Java client to interface with an internal service over HTTPS that required client certificate authenti...
Public key cryptography: RSA keys-拾光赋

Public key cryptography: RSA keys

Public key cryptography: RSA keys,Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash This article was originally published on The Digital Cat I bet you created at least once an RSA key pair, usua...
How to run a Flask App Over HTTPS, using Waitress and NGINX. Updated for 2022.-拾光赋

How to run a Flask App Over HTTPS, using Waitress and NGINX. Updated for 2022.

How to run a Flask App Over HTTPS, using Waitress and NGINX. Updated for 2022.,Running a Flask app over HTTPS seems like it should be a simple exercise, however, there are not many...
Disable SSL certificate validation in Spring RestTemplate-拾光赋

Disable SSL certificate validation in Spring RestTemplate

Disable SSL certificate validation in Spring RestTemplate,We often run into certificate issue while using Rest Template. RestTemplate can give any of the below error if SSL certifi...
SSL PME certificates setup in REST Assured-拾光赋

SSL PME certificates setup in REST Assured

SSL PME certificates setup in REST Assured,Hi everyone, so recently I was working on a test automation framework using REST-assured that calls an endpoint that requires the use of ...
Identify SSL Expiration Date using ColdFusion-拾光赋

Identify SSL Expiration Date using ColdFusion

Identify SSL Expiration Date using ColdFusion,We use LetsEncrypt and monitor the SSL certificate expiration dates locally by parsing the actual certificate files, but if you requir...
What is PKCS12?-拾光赋

What is PKCS12?

What is PKCS12?, Whenever we talk about secure communication over networks, keywords such as 'SSL', 'Keystores', 'JKS' pop up frequently. Typically keystores and trust stores are u...