Spring boot + Spring Security 5 + OAuth2/OIDC Client – Basics
Spring boot + Spring Security 5 + OAuth2/OIDC Client - Basics,Since a long time I wanted to integrate an OpenID Connect provider using Spring Security, The last time I tried, I fel...
Tracking Santa with SMS and Java
Tracking Santa with SMS and Java,Since December of 2004, Google has provided an annual Christmas-themed site which allows users to track Santa during Christmas Eve. Additionally, N...
Creating a WebSocket Server with Spring Boot
Creating a WebSocket Server with Spring Boot,WebSocket is a protocol which enables communication between the server and the browser. It has an advantage over RESTful HTTP because c...
The beginner’s guide to Spring Boot
The beginner's guide to Spring Boot,Disclaimer: This article probably seems shorter than you have expected regarding its title. In the end you will have learned that it's not. Spri...
How to enable JUnit 5 in new Spring Boot project
How to enable JUnit 5 in new Spring Boot project,This post was originally posted on Medium. In this article, we will learn how to enable JUnit 5 in a newly created Spring Boot proj...
Let’s make SpringBoot app start faster
Let's make SpringBoot app start faster, 'How Fast is Spring?' is a session at Spring One Platform 2018. I watched the video and tried it by myself. So I introduce here what I did a...
Developing a RESTful Client with Retrofit and Spring Boot
Developing a RESTful Client with Retrofit and Spring Boot,In this article, you will learn how to use Retrofit, an HTTP client library, and Spring Boot to create a client for a REST...
Spring Boot Thin Launcher and Docker
Spring Boot Thin Launcher and Docker, Spring Boot Thin Launcher Yesterday, I played with the Spring Boot Startup Bench. Started enjoying spring-boot-startup-bench Mitz ・ Oct...
Started enjoying spring-boot-startup-bench
Started enjoying spring-boot-startup-bench,Following s1p tweets, I found an interesting one this morning. Marcin Grzejszczak @mgrzejszczak Wat?! @david_syer shows that you can run ...
Spring Boot Starter Parent Usage in Maven
Spring Boot Starter Parent Usage in Maven,I quite often see Spring Boot projects which are using the spring-boot-starter-parent as follows: <project xmlns='http://maven.apache.o...
Add CI/CD to Your Spring Boot App with Jenkins X and Kubernetes
Add CI/CD to Your Spring Boot App with Jenkins X and Kubernetes,A lot has happened in the last five years of software development. What it means to build, deploy, and orchestrate s...
พื้นฐาน JPA[ ep.2 ]
พื้นฐาน JPA[ ep.2 ], เกริ่นไปเรื่อย การเขียนโปรแกรมติดต่อฐานข้อมูลด้วยภาษา Java ส่วนใหญ่พื้นฐานเราจะ...