Python in Software Development: A Comprehensive Business Guide
Python in Software Development: A Comprehensive Business Guide,Summary: Python is a simple yet effective programming language. In software development, Python can offer unmatched a...
Handling Exceptions in Reflection-Based AOP: The UndeclaredThrowableException Issue
Handling Exceptions in Reflection-Based AOP: The UndeclaredThrowableException Issue, Introduction Recently, while working on a project, I encountered a defect related to JDK dynami...
A comprehensive guide to create first FastAPI Rest API
A comprehensive guide to create first FastAPI Rest API, In this blog post, we’ll explore how to create a simplified FastAPI project using SQLAlchemy ORM and an SQLite database to ...
How to Deploy FastAPI to Vercel
How to Deploy FastAPI to Vercel, In this blog, we’ll guide you through deploying a FastAPI application to Vercel, a cloud platform designed for fast and serverless web hosting. Ve...
Signal Visualization in Discrete-Time Domain
Signal Visualization in Discrete-Time Domain,In this application, we analyze and visualize the discrete-time signal represented by the following function: y(k)=5cos(2πf1kTs)−...
Static Factories: When Static Methods Shine (And Why They’re Not Always Evil)
Static Factories: When Static Methods Shine (And Why They're Not Always Evil),In my recent article (Static X OOP), I suggested that regular classes and interfaces are more effectiv...
Developer Diary #27. AI Trap
Developer Diary #27. AI Trap,Over the past year, I’ve tried different tools based on AI. I used it for code review in pull requests. I explored some IDE tools and used AI for code...
Static x OOP
Static x OOP,As Java developers, we are continually aiming to create cleaner, more maintainable code. Recently, while working on a project, I faced a typical problem: how to effect...
EventLoop vs. ThreadPool: Which One Should You Use and When?
EventLoop vs. ThreadPool: Which One Should You Use and When?,Ever wondered how apps handle multiple tasks at once? That’s where ThreadPools and EventLoops come in. One uses multip...
Java Full Stack Developer Roadmap for Beginners
Java Full Stack Developer Roadmap for Beginners,Java remains one of the most prominent programming languages, ranking 4th in the TIOBE Index for 2024 and 2nd globally and in India ...
Which version of Python removed the print statement?
Which version of Python removed the print statement?,In the evolution from Python 2.x to Python 3.x, one of the most significant changes was the transformation of the print stateme...
COMMON MANUAL TESTING TECHNIQUES,Hi everyone we will look at the common manual testing techniques What is Testing The client will approach the service provider with some requiremen...