Crypto Review APP-拾光赋

Crypto Review APP

Crypto Review APP,Application that displays cryptocurrencies and their market caps. Retrofit, RXJava Library is used. Nomics API was used to pull market values. Github My Portfolio...
Rxjava Message Bus for OSGi-拾光赋

Rxjava Message Bus for OSGi

Rxjava Message Bus for OSGi,I wanted to make OSGi components communicate in a rich event driven way where I can publish many different messages between components without tight cou...
Easy time tracing in RxJava and Reactor-拾光赋

Easy time tracing in RxJava and Reactor

Easy time tracing in RxJava and Reactor,There's a lot of ways to track performance issues and unexpectedly time consuming methods, from the quick and simple time measurement from t...
In RxJava, how to pass a variable along when chaining observables?-拾光赋

In RxJava, how to pass a variable along when chaining observables?

In RxJava, how to pass a variable along when chaining observables?, answer re: In RxJava, how to pass a variable along when chaining observables? Jan 29 '15 70 The advice I got fro...
Android RxJava Reducer with the Visitor Pattern-拾光赋

Android RxJava Reducer with the Visitor Pattern

Android RxJava Reducer with the Visitor Pattern, Introduction It is always a good idea to work on different projects and different technologies, as it provides a good source of kno...
Using RxJava for creating reactive JavaFx UI-拾光赋

Using RxJava for creating reactive JavaFx UI

Using RxJava for creating reactive JavaFx UI,In this article, I would like to show you the benefits of RxJava in practical example - desktop JavaFx GUI application. If you are deve...
RxJava - Make your Async Task Synchronous-拾光赋

RxJava - Make your Async Task Synchronous

RxJava - Make your Async Task Synchronous,In Android framework, We have to do all the time consuming work in background thread. It sounds easy but believe me implementation is pa...
RxJava combineLatest quick example by Kotlin-拾光赋

RxJava combineLatest quick example by Kotlin

RxJava combineLatest quick example by Kotlin,RxJava's combineLatest is very convenient but I can use it difficultly because it has many overloads. So I wrote the code snippet for c...
Small scale stream processing kata: thread pools-拾光赋

Small scale stream processing kata: thread pools

Small scale stream processing kata: thread pools,Once again I prepared a programming contest on GeeCON 2016 for my company. This time the assignment required designing and optional...