Code O Game – algorithms, datastructures, etc..
Code O Game - algorithms, datastructures, etc.., Hi guys! I built a repository to have in a single place all possible algorithms and data structures - in multiple languages. We aim...
Best Languages for Programming in 2020 (Mandatory Post)
Best Languages for Programming in 2020 (Mandatory Post),In 2020, more than ever before, programming is rapidly evolving with the increasing applications of programming in everyday ...
Streaming Content Suggestions!
Streaming Content Suggestions!,A while back someone inspired me to start streaming live coding sessions. I've always kinda toyed around with this idea but never really got into it,...
Comparison between Java, Go, and Rust
Comparison between Java, Go, and Rust, Comparison between Java, Go, and Rust | by Dex | Medium Dex ・ Jul 2, 2023 ・ Medium 原文链接:Comparison between Java, Go, and Rust
A custom Docker image for Rust and Python
A custom Docker image for Rust and Python, From Zero to Production with Rust, Python and GitLab (4 Part Series) 1 Development Environment for Rust and Python on Linux 2 A web app b...
A web app built with Rust and Python
A web app built with Rust and Python, From Zero to Production with Rust, Python and GitLab (4 Part Series) 1 Development Environment for Rust and Python on Linux 2 A web app built ...
Development Environment for Rust and Python on Linux
Development Environment for Rust and Python on Linux, From Zero to Production with Rust, Python and GitLab (4 Part Series) 1 Development Environment for Rust and Python on Linux 2 ...
Top Edpresso shots-March 2020
Top Edpresso shots-March 2020,Happy April 1st! We've taken a moment to reflect on our most trafficked shots from March. Give them a read, and see what you think Rest in Peace, grep...
Polyglot inception with GraalVM. Why? Because it’s fun
Polyglot inception with GraalVM. Why? Because it's fun ,Originally published at deepu.tech. Have you heard of GraalVM? If you haven't you should check it out. It is an exciting tec...
Mutability in Rust, and how it differs from object-oriented languages
Mutability in Rust, and how it differs from object-oriented languages,This post started out as a long-winded answer to a stackoverflow question. The question made me realize that t...
9 best open-source findings, November 2019
9 best open-source findings, November 2019, opensource_findings (5 Part Series) 1 9 best open-source findings, August 2019 2 9 best open-source findings, September 2019 3 9 best op...
kwik – [now with docker image]
kwik - [now with docker image],[Update] - Any repo can be cloned and the prefix _/ acts as a quick way to type https://github.com/ So yesterday I wrote and released the kwik tool t...