Awesome J2ME: An Awesome List About Everything Related to J2ME
Awesome J2ME: An Awesome List About Everything Related to J2ME, Introduction to J2ME Java ME, also known as J2ME, is a Java specification for old keypad phones and PDAs. About Awes...
Project YALA – MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022 on DEV submission
Project YALA - MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022 on DEV submission, What I built I built Project YALA (or simply YALA) which is 'Yet Another Link-shortener App'. Category Submission: Th...
Getting started with Machine Learning
Getting started with Machine Learning,Machine Learning can feel a bit complex at times for beginners such as myself however it is not impossible to learn. I've recently entered the...
10 useful Python libraries & packages for automated trading
10 useful Python libraries & packages for automated trading,Hey! I’m Joanne, an intern at lemon.markets, and I’m here to share some invaluable Python libraries & packages to ...
Maven – Resources Dinâmicos
Maven - Resources Dinâmicos,Nossos projetos em Java geralmente possuem vários arquivos de configuração do projeto e do ambiente de execução, como por exemplo a configuração...
Resources to learn Python
Resources to learn Python,Python is my first and favourite programming language (not that I've been learning lots of them). It's friendly for new coders, almost like writing in Eng...
Beginner-friendly resources for Python
Beginner-friendly resources for Python,Python is an amazing language, that is being used by top companies like Google, Instagram, Spotify etc. It is a language in great demand. Int...
5 best resources to learn Scala
5 best resources to learn Scala,Scala is one of the most popular languages used in the JVM ecosystem. The recent post by Li Haoyi explains why Scala is entering the ‘slope of enli...
Machine Learning with Python Done Automagically
Machine Learning with Python Done Automagically,Today has been yet another exciting day of my journey into researching the vast field of Machine Learning. And guess what? I found y...
I know Python basics, what next?
I know Python basics, what next?,What to learn next is an often asked question. Searching for what next on /r/learnpython gives you too many results. Here's some more Q&A and a...
Top 8 Free Resources to Learn Python
Top 8 Free Resources to Learn Python,It’s an exciting time to learn anything, especially Python. There are several Python resources available online including books, video tutoria...
Best Resources To Learn Flask?
Best Resources To Learn Flask?,Hello, I am new to programming and aspiring to learn Flask, I want to know what are some best Sources to learn flask and also if there are any produc...