A simple terminal-based restaurant recommender system
A simple terminal-based restaurant recommender system,As part of my final project for the data structures and algorithms module of the computer science path in codecademy, I have m...
A New Way to Recommend Video Games at Amazon Part 2
A New Way to Recommend Video Games at Amazon Part 2,This is part 2 of the whole post. Please refer to part 1. Intro A new recommendation system was built in the previous section. I...
A New Way to Recommend Video Games at Amazon Part 1
A New Way to Recommend Video Games at Amazon Part 1, Intro I have completed the Capstone project, and this post is a summary of it. I decided to build a new recommendation system f...
Makerwork 001
Makerwork 001, Makerwork (8 Part Series) 1 Makerwork 001 2 Makerwork 002 ... 4 more parts... 3 Makerwork 003 4 Makerwork 004 5 Makerwork 005 includes an open-source text-based prog...