normal in PyTorch
normal in PyTorch,Buy Me a Coffee *Memos: [Warning]-normal() is really tricky. You can use manual_seed() with normal(). *My post explains manual_seed(). My post explains rand() and...
Nature of ai
Nature of ai,Ai companies are milking the trend like crazy yet people don't understand what ai actually is, it is just a randomiser, that is using algorithms until it gets the outp...
Seeding, Reproducibility, and other Random Thoughts on the Random Module
Seeding, Reproducibility, and other Random Thoughts on the Random Module, Why Random Module When studying data science and machine learning, the random() function in python is vita...
Storing Money in Java (and other languages)
Storing Money in Java (and other languages), I was reading a book about Java and it had this practice question at the end of a chapter: If you've studied much about Java you'll pro...
Generator Random Numbers
Generator Random Numbers,Generator Random Numbers is a tool that generates Random numbers given maximum and minimum. For example, if we want to generate a number between 0 to 10, T...
Setting probability to choose something randomly
Setting probability to choose something randomly,Playing at Tetris I always wonder how some shapes are most common that they appear than others. Basically, you can expect that you ...
Generating random words in python
Generating random words in python,Repost from my blog Introduction So, you are here because you want to learn how to generate random words in Python but do you really know the mean...
The Random Library in Python
The Random Library in Python,You might need your program to choose a random lucky winner from a list of people participating in a lottery or maybe you want to chooses a random frui...
@dicewarebot, the solution I needed that no one asked for
@dicewarebot, the solution I needed that no one asked for, Originally published @ https://kylerconway.com/2020/08/21/dicewarebot-the-solution-i-needed-that-no-one-asked-for/ A numb...
Password generator using python
Password generator using python, Random module (3 Part Series) 1 Dice rolling game using python 2 Password generator using python 3 Rock paper scissors game using python Hello, tod...
“Termial” random for prioritized picking an item from a list
“Termial” random for prioritized picking an item from a list,Let’s take a look at a solution that randomly picks an item from a list. Instead of assigning equal probability to e...
7 face dice
7 face dice,'God does not play dice', says Einstein. But we do! What if there were 7 players and you have to randomly choose one with a 6 face dice? Let me deface the question: Wha...