[Python] Part 1 Generator: Introduction
[Python] Part 1 Generator: Introduction, Generator Before starting with what generators are, we’ll first discuss what iteration, iterables, and iterators are. Iteration Iteration ...
Monkey Patching is not too bad
Monkey Patching is not too bad, History A few months ago I've started to contribute with returns, an amazing Open Source Python library with a lot of containers to help us in many...
Why I stay away from Python type annotations
Why I stay away from Python type annotations,Ever since optional static typing was added to Python 3.5+, the question of using type annotations keeps creeping back everywhere I wor...
Build a Guessing Game with Python
Build a Guessing Game with Python,In this article, we will be building a simple guessing game using Python. This was a task done during the StartNG Beginner Software Development Tr...
Using Python to generate over 10,000 unique 8-bit lightsabers
Using Python to generate over 10,000 unique 8-bit lightsabers,Python is great for a number of things. It powers 1.4% of the internet, Nasa uses it a lot! and you can use it to crea...
A quick introduction to Python Multiprocessing Pools. Speeding up your workflow
A quick introduction to Python Multiprocessing Pools. Speeding up your workflow, How many times in python have used a for loop and watched your terminal go through each item taking...
Using Python to resize and get HEX color values from images
Using Python to resize and get HEX color values from images,Python is by far one of the easiest programming languages to use. Writing functions are intuitive and so is reading the ...
Python version share over time, 6
Python version share over time, 6,To celebrate the end of life of Python 2 on 1st January 2020, here’s some statistics showing how much different Python versions have been used ov...
The Shiny New Parts of Python.
The Shiny New Parts of Python.,This series is about the latest additions to the Python language which at the time of writing is Python 3.8. To kick start the series, this post will...
Python version share over time, 5
Python version share over time, 5,To celebrate the release of Python 3.8.0 on 14th October 2019, and with less than two months left for Python 2, here’s some statistics showing ho...
Extending Python with Rust
Extending Python with Rust, Introduction: Python is a great programming language but sometimes it can be a bit of slowcoach when it comes to performing certain tasks. That’s why d...
Generating ASCII art from colored image using Python
Generating ASCII art from colored image using Python, image source: https://www.pythoncircle.com Adding a new script to the Python Script series. In this article, we will see how t...