Let’s meet Pylint: Python Linter
Let's meet Pylint: Python Linter, Python tools (2 Part Series) 1 Let's meet Black: Python Code Formatting 2 Let's meet Pylint: Python Linter After the post about Black (a formatter...
W1203: logging-fstring-interpolation (Solved)
W1203: logging-fstring-interpolation (Solved),A few days back, I was implementing a feature, and when I was done and happy with my work, I decided to commit the code. We have enabl...
Using autopep8 and Pylint!
Using autopep8 and Pylint!,This week I set up static analysis tools for my open source project, go-go-web. I also integrated them into my editor - VS Code, by installing extensions...
Pylint strict base configuration
Pylint strict base configuration,Pylint is a great static code analyser for Python code. I have been using it for several years, in various projects, and it's simple to use yet ver...
Improve Python Code Quality With Pylint
Improve Python Code Quality With Pylint, Introduction In this article, we shall look at Pylint and how it's used to ensure that your python code conforms to PEP8 guidelines. What i...
Setting up Python Linting and Auto-formatting in VSCode
Setting up Python Linting and Auto-formatting in VSCode,In this tutorial, we will setup Python linting and automatic code formatting in VSCode. We will use pylint to highlight lint...
Experimentations on Bazel: Python (3), linter & pytest
Experimentations on Bazel: Python (3), linter & pytest, Experimentations on Bazel (7 Part Series) 1 Experimentations on Bazel: intro 2 Experimentations on Bazel: github-actions ......
Linting Python Codes Better with Travis
Linting Python Codes Better with Travis,When contributing to open source organizations, one will notice the need to follow coding standards and conventions to have your pull reques...
Python Lint with GitHub Actions
Python Lint with GitHub Actions,There are a lot of ways to control the code quality, you have an option to put a hook on save file event and then apply black, isort, pylint or mypy...
Disabling Pylint Messages
Disabling Pylint Messages,This post was originally posted on Aug 12, 2018 to https://www.codependentcodr.com/disabling-pylint-messages.html#disabling-pylint-messages Small tip of t...
Bye-bye pylint
Bye-bye pylint,Originally published on my blog. I’ve been using pylint for almost a decade now. Fast-forward ten years later, and I’ve decided no longer use it. Here’s why. Intr...
Else after return: yea or nay?
Else after return: yea or nay?,Originally published on my blog. Introduction As you may know, I use pylint for most of my Python projects. 1 A few weeks ago, I upgraded pylint and ...