Polymorphism and abstract class easily explained in Java-拾光赋

Polymorphism and abstract class easily explained in Java

Polymorphism and abstract class easily explained in Java,Polymorphism is one of the main concepts behind OOP, together with encapsulation and inheritance. Despite its definition be...
Polymorphism in Java - A Quiz on things you probably didn't know-拾光赋

Polymorphism in Java – A Quiz on things you probably didn’t know

Polymorphism in Java - A Quiz on things you probably didn't know,Well if you're reading this, you probably know Java and have worked with a Java Framework. The below post is for al...
Java Polymorphism in 3mins-拾光赋

Java Polymorphism in 3mins

Java Polymorphism in 3mins,We discuss the Java polymorphism. There will be coded example to explain in details YouTube: 原文链接:Java Polymorphism in 3mins
Polymorphic deserialization with Jackson and no annotations-拾光赋

Polymorphic deserialization with Jackson and no annotations

Polymorphic deserialization with Jackson and no annotations,Suppose I asked you to take a cup from the multiple choices in the header photo, certainly you'll ask which one to choos...
Why We Should Follow Method Overriding Rules-拾光赋

Why We Should Follow Method Overriding Rules

Why We Should Follow Method Overriding Rules,In my previous articles Why Should We Follow Method Overloading Rules, I discussed method overloading and rules we need to follow ...
Why Instance Variable Of Super Class Is Not Overridden In Sub Class-拾光赋

Why Instance Variable Of Super Class Is Not Overridden In Sub Class

Why Instance Variable Of Super Class Is Not Overridden In Sub Class,When we create a variable in both parent and child class with the same name, and try to access it using parent's...
How Does JVM Handle Polymorphism (Method Overloading and Overriding) Internally-拾光赋

How Does JVM Handle Polymorphism (Method Overloading and Overriding) Internally

How Does JVM Handle Polymorphism (Method Overloading and Overriding) Internally,In my previous article Everything About Method Overloading Vs Method Overriding, I have discussed me...
Abusing Type Erasure: Passing Back the Same Subclass the Object Yields-拾光赋

Abusing Type Erasure: Passing Back the Same Subclass the Object Yields

Abusing Type Erasure: Passing Back the Same Subclass the Object Yields,Java's type erasure generics are generally limited compared to real generics/templates because you don't have...