Computational Physics with Python
Computational Physics with Python,Unlock the future of physics with Python4Physics! Master physics concepts using Python through engaging tutorials, interactive coding exercises, a...
Physics into programming: Using physical phenomena to cluster data
Physics into programming: Using physical phenomena to cluster data, Introduction This post will explore the intersection of physics and programming, specifically how physical pheno...
Evaporating a pot of water
Evaporating a pot of water,Originally published on peateasea.de. As part of tutoring physics and maths to high school students, I sometimes write up deep-dive explanations of quest...
Physics: boiling water
Physics: boiling water, Idea This simulation about thermodynamics. Basic boiling of water, I was interested in bubbles, how they 'born' and then moves to the surface. A simple heat...
Join the Collaborative Development of a Java Gravity Simulator and Unify Fundamental Forces!
Join the Collaborative Development of a Java Gravity Simulator and Unify Fundamental Forces!,Hey everyone! I'm thrilled to invite you to join the collaborative development of a Jav...
Visualizing the Butterfly Effect with Python
Visualizing the Butterfly Effect with Python, 'It simply deals with unpredictability in complex systems. The shorthand is the Butterfly Effect. A butterfly can flap its wings in Pe...
Douglas Adams’s Whale
Douglas Adams's Whale, Intro I think it is important to find ways that your background or experience specifically help you to stand out in any given group. If you can pinpoint thos...