Paralelismo e Concorrência 101
Paralelismo e Concorrência 101, O termo 101 é usado aqui nos US para denotar algo para iniciantes e quem tá começando. É comum as primeiras disciplinas na faculdade serem . Re...
Java Virtual Threads vs Kotlin Coroutines
Java Virtual Threads vs Kotlin Coroutines, Introduction In this article, we will compare two different ways of implementing concurrency in the JVM: Java Virtual Threads and Kotlin ...
I’m releasing on youtube my Java parallelism course.
I'm releasing on youtube my Java parallelism course.,I'm releasing on youtube my Java parallelism course, NWEN303 for VUW ECS new zealand. Feel free to learn all you can from it. I...
Concurrency in Python with FastAPI
Concurrency in Python with FastAPI,I've struggled for a long time with concurrency and parallelism. Let's dive in with the hot-cool-new ASGI framework, FastAPI. It is a concurrent ...
Guide to improve Python performance.
Guide to improve Python performance.,Python is an amazing programming language, but it has two huge handicaps compared to compiled languages. The first one is GIL or Global Interpr...