Spring Boot optional request params
Spring Boot optional request params,Sometimes the job description forces us into a scenario where the request param (or query params) are not always needed or required. The obvious...
Let’s use Optional to fix our method contract.
Let's use Optional to fix our method contract., A method is a contract; when we define one, we put our thoughts into it. We specify the parameters with their type and also a return...
Optional.stream(),This week, I learned about a nifty 'new' feature of Optional that I want to share in this post. It's available since Java 9, so its novelty is relative. Let's sta...
What was added to Java 8? Optional class
What was added to Java 8? Optional class, Java 8 key features (3 Part Series) 1 What was added to Java 8? Lambda expressions 2 What was added to Java 8? Streams 3 What was added to...
Effective Java! Return Optionals Judiciously
Effective Java! Return Optionals Judiciously, Effective Java Review (90 Part Series) 1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let's Consider Static Factory Methods 2 Effective Java Tuesday! The B...
Performance matters
Performance matters, Good performance starts with good code. Sometimes a small change in your code can make a significant amount of performance improvement. So let not your code st...
Optional to stream in java 9
Optional to stream in java 9,Last year Java 9 launched with tons of new features. In this blog post, I’m going to explain streams in Optional (introduced in Java8). Now you can ge...
Explain Java 8’s Optional Like I’m Five
Explain Java 8's Optional Like I'm Five, 原文链接:Explain Java 8's Optional Like I'm Five
Save the Optional, stop using isPresent
Save the Optional, stop using isPresent,Most functional programming languages offer a concept called Option or Maybe to deal with the presence or absence of a value, thus avoiding ...