100 Days of coding challenges for learning java
100 Days of coding challenges for learning java,Embark on a 100-day java coding journey. Master java with daily challenges, projects, and expert guidance. Start coding today! 原文...
Java Chess with server and client
Java Chess with server and client,Hi guys, today I finished my Chess game in Java with server and client features! Let me know what you think, and what should I implement or correc...
🪸6 Text2SQL Tools to Write Stunning SQL for you ️
🪸6 Text2SQL Tools to Write Stunning SQL for you ️, Star History Monthly (6 Part Series) 1 5 Open-Source GPT Wrappers to Boost Your AI Experience 2 🪸6 Text2SQL Tools to Write Stu...
Is OpenJDK Just a Drop-In Replacement?
Is OpenJDK Just a Drop-In Replacement?,I don’t know anyone who is still using the Oracle JDK. It has been my recommendation for quite a while to just switch to an OpenJDK distribu...
Unlock the Power of Java: A Comprehensive Guide to Application Development with Java
Unlock the Power of Java: A Comprehensive Guide to Application Development with Java,Are you ready to fully utilize Java's capability and enhance your application development ...
Monitoring Spring Boot with OpenTelemetry
Monitoring Spring Boot with OpenTelemetry,Integrating OpenTelemetry with Spring Boot allows you to capture distributed traces and other telemetry data from your application, provid...
GraphQL, JavaScript, Preprocessor, SQL and more in Manifold
GraphQL, JavaScript, Preprocessor, SQL and more in Manifold, Manifold - Reimagining Java's Future, Today (6 Part Series) 1 Revolutionize JSON Parsing in Java with Manifold 2 Java S...
Upstream is June 7: Hear from maintainers of log4j and other top projects
Upstream is June 7: Hear from maintainers of log4j and other top projects,Upstream is one week away! Join us on June 7, and follow the trails blazed by open source maintainers of p...
Apache Camel🦒: How to write First Route.
Apache Camel🦒: How to write First Route., Apache Camel Hello Its Rohan Kadam, What is Apache Camel🦒? Apache Camel ™ is a versatile open-source integration framework based on kno...
The human toll of log4j maintenance
The human toll of log4j maintenance,BY NOW, most of the internet knows about the famous Log4Shell exploit, and if you don't, it's easy to get a sense of how disastrous it's been. T...
OSD600 – Adding New Feature To Weather App
OSD600 - Adding New Feature To Weather App, 1. The issue In last contribution for Hacktoberfest, I created a Weather Forecast App. However, users can watch the weather information ...
Useful tools for contribution
Useful tools for contribution,As seventh lab of OSD600, I added some useful tools for the future contribution. Here are some revisions I made IDEA setup I used IntelliJ for my SSG ...