Building WhatsApp UI for Android
Building WhatsApp UI for Android ,This is a submission for Octograd 2020 by GitHub Education. Demo Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAEDWRPRxe4 Link to Code manbirmarwah / What...
Auction Price Prediction & Image Features
Auction Price Prediction & Image Features, My Capstone Project My final project for MS degree in data science is to help our client, a heavy machinery online auction firm to verify...
Handwritten Digit Recognition using KE Sieve Neural Network
Handwritten Digit Recognition using KE Sieve Neural Network, My Final Project Different people in the world write the digits in different ways. Identifying these handwritten digits...
Industry Desktop App
Industry Desktop App, Aureate Industries Standalone Desktop Application Link to Code https://github.com/saurabhbazzad/Aureate-Industries-App How I built it I built this standalone ...
A XKCD Discord bot with a little personality
A XKCD Discord bot with a little personality, This is Bobby Tables. The idea started, as many do, on Reddit. I found a thread in the XKCD subreddit where a user had created a bot t...
Bridge Health Monitoring System using IoT
Bridge Health Monitoring System using IoT ,In this post, I'll be describing about the Undergraduate Capstone Project that I created along with my teammates Viraj Shetty @virajvshet...
IMBOTUS – How I automated attending online classes
IMBOTUS - How I automated attending online classes, Motivation At the time of writing this, I am back home after having left university due to the infamous ...
Byteblog – A Minimalist Microblogging Platform
Byteblog - A Minimalist Microblogging Platform,Hello everyone! I'm sharing a project that I built while learning Python Flask. I also learned a great deal about various concepts of...
AI + Github API = Issue Sentiment Classification
AI + Github API = Issue Sentiment Classification,During a class I took on Software Engineering while studying abroad, I developed a software application that used Naive Bayes to cl...
Wikiquote Twitter Bot
Wikiquote Twitter Bot, Context When you learn to code, it's always a good idea to work on a project that keeps you motivated. I always had a passion for IoT and APIs, so I decided ...
Automate your web pages with “webbot 🤖” without much code
Automate your web pages with 'webbot 🤖' without much code , What is webbot ? webbot is a web automation library in Python. To be more descriptive , it a library used for web brows...
Genetic Algorithm to find optimal compiler flags
Genetic Algorithm to find optimal compiler flags,This post supports my entry into $ git remote graduation. Introduction Compiler flags offer control over which optimizations should...