Object-Oriented Programming in Plain English.
Object-Oriented Programming in Plain English., When you are asked what a car is. The likely answer is that a car is an object that have four rounded wheels and can move a distance ...
Python: Decorators in OOP
Python: Decorators in OOP, A guide on classmethods, staticmethods and the property decorator Image by author The Object Oriented Programming paradigm became popular in the ’60s an...
To OO or not to OO
To OO or not to OO,(a previous version of this text was posted on Medium) Around 2018, partly due to following Jonathan Blow’s work on Jai and the obvious lack of OO in the langua...
book review
book review, How to Make Software Simpler Here's an unorthodox, refreshing book by Stanford Professor John Ousterhout, inventor of the Tcl scripting language. The title is A Philos...