DIY Desktop Notifications with Python
DIY Desktop Notifications with Python,Creating a python script for a “do it yourself” reminder is very easy! The player library is all we need First let's install the library: pi...
The right way to email your users
The right way to email your users,When you build a web application you need to email your users for password resets, orders placed and the like. A trivial task, it seems. Here's a ...
How to set up email and message notifications for a Python application
How to set up email and message notifications for a Python application, Summary So, you've prepared a nice Python application that is now running (or almost there), but you still n...
Localised notifications with Firebase cloud messaging (FCM)
Localised notifications with Firebase cloud messaging (FCM),If you need to send localised push notifications from a Java server side application to mobile devices with Firebase Clo...
An easy and unified way to send notifications
An easy and unified way to send notifications,While I was working on a certain project (the amazing flexget) I needed to create a class of notifier plugins that will enable users t...