DIY Desktop Notifications with Python-拾光赋

DIY Desktop Notifications with Python

DIY Desktop Notifications with Python,Creating a python script for a “do it yourself” reminder is very easy! The player library is all we need First let's install the library: pi...
The right way to email your users-拾光赋

The right way to email your users

The right way to email your users,When you build a web application you need to email your users for password resets, orders placed and the like. A trivial task, it seems. Here's a ...
How to set up email and message notifications for a Python application-拾光赋

How to set up email and message notifications for a Python application

How to set up email and message notifications for a Python application, Summary So, you've prepared a nice Python application that is now running (or almost there), but you still n...
Localised notifications with Firebase cloud messaging (FCM)-拾光赋

Localised notifications with Firebase cloud messaging (FCM)

Localised notifications with Firebase cloud messaging (FCM),If you need to send localised push notifications from a Java server side application to mobile devices with Firebase Clo...
An easy and unified way to send notifications-拾光赋

An easy and unified way to send notifications

An easy and unified way to send notifications,While I was working on a certain project (the amazing flexget) I needed to create a class of notifier plugins that will enable users t...