TwitterのタイムラインからURLを抽出してRSSにしてFeedlyで読む,昨今の界隈ではLDRことLive Dwango Reader (ex. Livedoor Reader)がサービス終了したことが話題になった。 自分はRSS readerには...
Moving faster with REPL
Moving faster with REPL, Introduction to REPL Developers like to 'move fast and break things.' Well, we like to move fast anyway. A 'REPL' is a tool I've found that prevents me fro...
Which backend stack will be good to learn now and will be futuristic also?
Which backend stack will be good to learn now and will be futuristic also?,I am new to back-end web development and I am really confused between learning Django (due to Python) and...
JUST ME,Hi! I'm David, although i love to go by the name ioedeveloper (internet of everything developer). I think i am in love with python, she's easy to understand, saves me a loa...
Software Developer who whants to learn more about Node.js, Python, React and Angular.
Software Developer who whants to learn more about Node.js, Python, React and Angular., 原文链接:Software Developer who whants to learn more about Node.js, Python, React and Angula...