Building a real-time data streaming app with Apache Kafka
Building a real-time data streaming app with Apache Kafka,Written by Alexander Nnakwue️ Introduction Most large tech companies get data from their users in various ways, and most ...
BitcartCC: New Contributors Welcome / Open Source project
BitcartCC: New Contributors Welcome / Open Source project,Bitcart is a project to simplify cryptocurrencies integration. It's target is to be light, provide simple APIs, and some o...
3 Different ways to start a HTTP Web Server from the Terminal
3 Different ways to start a HTTP Web Server from the Terminal,In this relatively quick video I want to showcase 3 very quick and different ways that you can start up a HTTP Web Ser...
A Better Explaination
A Better Explaination, Hello, again! Since my previous post on Snippet was vague, I decided to make a new one, describing what it is for and what possibilities it could have. A Des...
Qutrunk – open source REST/gRPC interface with GUI
Qutrunk - open source REST/gRPC interface with GUI,I've just open sourced our internal project - Qutrunk. It is a simple REST API interface for interacting with queues. It supports...
Is Typescript on Node.js good enough for Java developers?
Is Typescript on Node.js good enough for Java developers?, Every now and then you run into a cranky programmer who hates Javascript. They argue that JavaScript is terrible because ...
How To Create A Cross Browser Compatible HTML Progress Bar?
How To Create A Cross Browser Compatible HTML Progress Bar?,One of the key elements of any modern website that you would have come across on the internet is an HTML progress bar. H...
What features and functionality we can add beside CRUD on social network app built with django?
What features and functionality we can add beside CRUD on social network app built with django?,For my summer project, I wanna create a social network app for college. So, beside C...
Refactor to Microservices with gRPC
Refactor to Microservices with gRPC, Introduction Developer job is hard, often we are litterally exposed to infernal conditions (I hav a tendency to dramatize :-) ). Some time ago ...
Virtual assistants: the new UX frontier
Virtual assistants: the new UX frontier,Recently, I've developed a PoC around chat bots, data analysis and artificial intelligence. The underlying idea was to explore new ways to c...
NodeJS vs. Python 3 Performance
NodeJS vs. Python 3 Performance,Originally published at warrenwong.org. While trying to become more Pythonic in my coding, I have been going over some of my Project Euler toy probl...
How to FaaS like a pro: 12 less common ways to invoke your serverless functions on Amazon Web Services [Part 1]
How to FaaS like a pro: 12 less common ways to invoke your serverless functions on Amazon Web Services [Part 1], Yes, this is you at the end of this article, contemplating new poss...