java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused,Three checks: 1) Run the Server code before running the Client code. 2)instead of this Socket clientSocket = new Socket('localhost', 5...
Difference Java ByteArrayOutputStream.write(int n) with ByteArrayOutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
Difference Java ByteArrayOutputStream.write(int n) with ByteArrayOutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len),This function is used to write/enter data from the stream that we ar...
GossipSampling – A Stand Alone Peer Sampling Service
GossipSampling - A Stand Alone Peer Sampling Service,This early stage open source library that maintains a Gossip Network and then allows you to subscribe to sample peers from the ...
Advanced Python Concepts – Networking with Python
Advanced Python Concepts - Networking with Python, Before you dive into this article... Check out our new community at CoderLegion.com! Share your knowledge, connect with like-mind...
Automating Network Devices with Python and Netmiko: A Comprehensive Guide
Automating Network Devices with Python and Netmiko: A Comprehensive Guide, Scripting Saturdays (5 Part Series) 1 Automating Server Health Checks with Python, Bash, and PowerShell 2...
Building an Event-Driven Socket Server in Python
Building an Event-Driven Socket Server in Python, Introduction When you're building networked applications, handling multiple client connections simultaneously is a key considerati...
Jetmaker – open source framework for building distributed systems in Python
Jetmaker - open source framework for building distributed systems in Python,Project: Jetmaker It is a framework for Python developers to connect multiple distributed nodes into one...
NetDisco, Presentation: A versatile app designed for both Windows and Linux platforms. This tool efficiently scans the LAN network, displaying detailed information such as IP addre...
HEIMDALL – Open Source PYscript for bypassing and login captive portals in private networks
HEIMDALL - Open Source PYscript for bypassing and login captive portals in private networks, This Python script automates the process of connecting to a captive portal, often encou...
How to make Apache’s CloseableHttpAsyncClient explicitly use HTTP/1 or HTTP/2
How to make Apache's CloseableHttpAsyncClient explicitly use HTTP/1 or HTTP/2,In this tutorial, we'll demonstrate how to explicitly use HTTP/1 or HTTP/2 in Apache's CloseableHttpAs...
Hacking WiFi 101: basic concepts, terminology, and a real-life example
Hacking WiFi 101: basic concepts, terminology, and a real-life example,This article is written for educational purposes only, do not ever attempt to hack a network without permissi...
PySniffer: A Wireless Network Tool
PySniffer: A Wireless Network Tool,In the field of cybersecurity, capturing and analyzing network traffic is a crucial task. With Scapy, a powerful packet manipulation tool in Pyth...