Jetmaker – open source framework for building distributed systems in Python
Jetmaker - open source framework for building distributed systems in Python,Project: Jetmaker It is a framework for Python developers to connect multiple distributed nodes into one...
How to make Apache’s CloseableHttpAsyncClient explicitly use HTTP/1 or HTTP/2
How to make Apache's CloseableHttpAsyncClient explicitly use HTTP/1 or HTTP/2,In this tutorial, we'll demonstrate how to explicitly use HTTP/1 or HTTP/2 in Apache's CloseableHttpAs...
Get URL pointed Resource Information in Java
Get URL pointed Resource Information in Java,In this post we are going to know how to make HTTP requests in java. We'll see two ways - 1. Before Java 11 and 2. After Java 11. Let u...
How to configure host name resolution to use a universal host name resolver in Java
How to configure host name resolution to use a universal host name resolver in Java,In the JDK 8 the java.net.InetAddress resolves host names using the local machine's default host...
Hosting a Python Socket app?
Hosting a Python Socket app?,So, I'm doing a thing which is essentially a terminal emulator running on a server. People can connect over ncat/nc and interact from there. The only d...
How to ensure that two separate copies of same file on client and server side always be in sync?
How to ensure that two separate copies of same file on client and server side always be in sync?,Actually I have made a dns server in python using dnslib. The dns server first chec...
Learning Python Networking
Learning Python Networking,https://www.packtpub.com/networking-and-servers/learning-python-networking-second-edition https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Learning-Python-Networking-S...
Mastering Python for Networking and Security
Mastering Python for Networking and Security,https://www.packtpub.com/networking-and-servers/mastering-python-networking-and-security https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Mastering-P...
JMQT (JSON Message Queuing and Transfer) – a new IoT and messaging protocol
JMQT (JSON Message Queuing and Transfer) - a new IoT and messaging protocol,Dear fellow developers, After using MQTT in many of my IoT projects in last few years, I have realized t...
A new messaging protocol for real-time systems
A new messaging protocol for real-time systems,I have been working on IoT projects for last five years. After using MQTT in many of my projects I have realized that there is a huge...
Finding Packets
Finding Packets, Where is my request? When a URL is typed in the browser it checks whether DNS mapping of IP address is there or not in cache. If it is there then it requests the s...