How to debug your Python mocks or imports
How to debug your Python mocks or imports,Hands up if you've spent 20 minutes making a feature then 2 hours testing it . I recently struggled with mocking an object declared global...
Datafaker: Simplifying Test Data Generation for Java and Kotlin
Datafaker: Simplifying Test Data Generation for Java and Kotlin,In the world of software development, effective testing is crucial to ensure the reliability and functionality of ap...
Building a Basic HTTP Server with Python: A Guide for Automation and Prototyping
Building a Basic HTTP Server with Python: A Guide for Automation and Prototyping, What is this article about This article presents a basic example of a Python-based HTTP server. It...
python: unit test with fixture and patch decorators
python: unit test with fixture and patch decorators,In the [pervious article], I used multiple patch decorators to mock several functions. This time, I use Fixture with the decorat...
python: Mock variations
python: Mock variations,This is my note on how to create various mocks. Please let me know if you have trouble creating a mock in your test. import pytest from unittest.mock import...
python: use multiple patch decorators to mock functions
python: use multiple patch decorators to mock functions,I wrote how to mock in the previous article. This time, I mock multiple functions in the test to see how I can handle them. ...
python: unit test with mock functions from different modules
python: unit test with mock functions from different modules,I recently started learning python 3 and unit test with pytest and unittest. As I struggle to figure out how to mock in...
Testing created/updated/auto_now fields in Django
Testing created/updated/auto_now fields in Django, Intro Django's auto_now_add and auto_now model field arguments provide an easy way to create dates when an entity is created and/...
Mocking Redis in Python’s unittest
Mocking Redis in Python's unittest,Hello folks, This blog will guide you to mock redis without using any new library. Redis is used as cache in almost every application. It's very ...
Unit testing with assertive mocks vs not testing implementation: Why not both?
Unit testing with assertive mocks vs not testing implementation: Why not both?,Often I will have a function that contains another function call, and want to write a unit test for i...
Mock external dependencies in Python
Mock external dependencies in Python,Testing python modules or code that have any external calls such as third-party API calls or database calls, can get difficult. This is where m...
Python unit testing with Mock – Part Two
Python unit testing with Mock - Part Two, How do you write tests? Python has many frameworks for writing tests, but ultimately they come down to collecting functions whose names be...