Discover Java’s Top 10 Security Features
Discover Java’s Top 10 Security Features,Why Use Java? What makes it secure? Java stands out for its focus on security. Over decades, Java has earned a reputation for being a reli...
A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Kotlin Coroutines
A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Kotlin Coroutines, Introduction Coroutines simplify asynchronous programming by making it more readable and efficient. Think of threads as indivi...
MobileBDD framework
MobileBDD framework,The mobile app automation testing framework was designed with full consideration of AOS testing, IOS testing, and switching to Webview context for H5 testing, m...
Bytecode Transformations: The Android Gradle Plugin
Bytecode Transformations: The Android Gradle Plugin,By: Roman Zavarnitsyn This is the first part of a blog post series about bytecode transformations on Android. In this part we’l...
Android Studio: almacenar foto en el dispositivo
Android Studio: almacenar foto en el dispositivo, ¡Hola devs! Hoy les traigo un pequeño tutorial de Android Studio. Como ya leyeron en el titulo explicare como almacenar una foto...
Video: Building a Codename One Project for iOS
Video: Building a Codename One Project for iOS,This is the third video in my series about our new online tool, Codename One initializr, which allows you to generate a Maven starter...
The Modern Cpp Challenge on Mobile – Greatest commont divisor
The Modern Cpp Challenge on Mobile – Greatest commont divisor,Hello ! I’m Xavier Jouvenot and here is the second part of a long series on The Modern C++ Challenge.In this article...
Quick Tip – How to make a TextView bold or italic ?
Quick Tip – How to make a TextView bold or italic ?,Hello ! I’m Xavier Jouvenot and in this small post, I am going to explain how to change TextView into a bold or italic. Self p...
Don’t write Android apps like it’s 2009!
Don’t write Android apps like it’s 2009!,The following is based on my experience working on various Android apps for the past few years and seeing how the framework and the devel...
Launching Activities in Easier Way Using Kotlin Extensions
Launching Activities in Easier Way Using Kotlin Extensions, Kotlin Extensions for simpler, easier and fun way of launching Activities in Android Originally published on https://waj...
Taking Kotlin for a Spin
Taking Kotlin for a Spin,Recently, my wife picked up a Kindle Fire, and I figured it would be fun to write an app for it. In fact, you may recall that I’ve been trying to make a l...
Fenix: A new mobile browser from Mozilla
Fenix: A new mobile browser from Mozilla, About the Project Mozilla recently created a Github repository for a brand new mobile web browser named Fenix. Not much is known about thi...