Room Database Workflow
Room Database Workflow,ROOM Database is the ORM (Object Relational Mapper) library for Android development. It is used to map database objects to Java objects. ROOM provides an abs...
Port Forwarding with Ngrok : Quick Guide
Port Forwarding with Ngrok : Quick Guide, Scenario: You're building a mobile app solo. The backend is ready, and now you're working on the UI. You run your server locally and try m...
Feature Flags in Android with Jetpack Compose
Feature Flags in Android with Jetpack Compose,Feature flags are an essential tool for controlling feature rollouts, enabling A/B testing, and managing experimental features without...
Querido desarrollador de Android
Querido desarrollador de Android,Hace unos días recibí la enésima comunicación desde Google, en este caso por una aplicación Android. Podría resumirse como sigue, aunque todo...
Meet TwinH
Meet TwinH, TwinH is yourself in the digital world TwinH is a concept developed by FySelf, which allows people to create and train a human digital twin. It’s more than just a robo...
Discover Java’s Top 10 Security Features
Discover Java’s Top 10 Security Features,Why Use Java? What makes it secure? Java stands out for its focus on security. Over decades, Java has earned a reputation for being a reli...
A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Kotlin Coroutines
A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Kotlin Coroutines, Introduction Coroutines simplify asynchronous programming by making it more readable and efficient. Think of threads as indivi...
MobileBDD framework
MobileBDD framework,The mobile app automation testing framework was designed with full consideration of AOS testing, IOS testing, and switching to Webview context for H5 testing, m...
Why Choose Python Programming Language for Mobile App Development?
Why Choose Python Programming Language for Mobile App Development?,Are you embarking on an exciting new mobile app development project? Well, the most crucial task is choosing the ...
How To Pass Data To Another Activity
How To Pass Data To Another Activity,there are two activities MainActivity.java SettingActivity.java MainActivity.java public void launchSettings(View v){ //Launch a new activity I...
Disable buttons and change the text of all buttons..
Disable buttons and change the text of all buttons..,change button text public void disable(View v){ v.setEnabled(false); Button button = (Button) v; button.setText('Disabled'); } ...
How to Disable Button in Android Studio
How to Disable Button in Android Studio,*First Way: * button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { view.setEnabled(false); } })...