Resilience pattern for Java microservices. The Circuit Breaker.
Resilience pattern for Java microservices. The Circuit Breaker., Introdution Although the advantages of a microservices architecture are known (not a topic explained here), we ofte...
Create full Microservice stack using JHipster Domain Language under 30 minutes
Create full Microservice stack using JHipster Domain Language under 30 minutes, Microservices with JHipster (3 Part Series) 1 Create full Microservice stack using JHipster Domain L...
Persistence for Java Microservices in Kubernetes via JPA
Persistence for Java Microservices in Kubernetes via JPA,Over the last weeks I’ve worked on an example application that demonstrates how Java EE developers can get started with mi...
Example Java App running in the Cloud via Kubernetes
Example Java App running in the Cloud via Kubernetes,Over the last weeks I’ve worked on a new sample application which demonstrates how to build microservices-based architectures....
Debugging Microservices running in Kubernetes
Debugging Microservices running in Kubernetes,In order to learn more about microservices, container orchestration and service meshes, I’ve set up a local development environment w...
Setup of a Local Kubernetes and Istio Dev Environment
Setup of a Local Kubernetes and Istio Dev Environment,As developer I like to do as much development as possible locally, because it’s generally easier and faster to develop and de...
Lightweight Java micro services framework
Lightweight Java micro services framework, Shrimp A wrapper to a Grizzly HTTP server with Jersey (JAX-RS), dependency injection (HK2) and JSON support. https://github.com/lucasepe/...
Building a 22 Megabytes Microservice with Java, Javalin and GraalVM
Building a 22 Megabytes Microservice with Java, Javalin and GraalVM,Oracle's GraalVM allows for ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation of JVM applications. This means, instead of running ...
Scaling microservices using message queues
Scaling microservices using message queues, How to scale Microservices with Message Queues, Spring Boot, and Kubernetes 原文链接:Scaling microservices using message queues
Como criar uma aplicação REST API básica com Spark
Como criar uma aplicação REST API básica com Spark,Através do micro framework Spark é possível criar micro serviços web com grande facilidade, envelopar num jar gordo e bota...