Sending files from Micronaut applications
Sending files from Micronaut applications, Intro In this time, I will try sending files to my Micronaut application. [Micronaut] Receiving multipart/form-data multipart/form-data F...
[Micronaut] Receiving multipart/form-data
[Micronaut] Receiving multipart/form-data, Intro This time, I will try receiving files as 'multipart/form-data'. As same as last time, I will use Undertow as a web server. [Microna...
Serving static assets with Micronaut
Serving static assets with Micronaut,My go-to framework when developing Java apps or microservices is Micronaut. For the apps that should have a web frontend, I rarely use Micronau...
Refactorizar proyecto a Arquitectura Hexagonal
Refactorizar proyecto a Arquitectura Hexagonal,La Arquitectura Hexagonal es un modelo novedoso. Pero la mejor definición es Arquitectura de Puertos y Adaptores. La documentación ...
microservice comparison
microservice comparison,Hi @all I have developed a small test/benchmark system for all microservice frameworks out there, and publishing all results in github, just wanted to show ...
Micronaut integration testing using testcontainers
Micronaut integration testing using testcontainers,Micronaut is a modern, JVM-based, full-stack framework for building modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applicat...
Using Micronaut Annotation Mapping to Automatically Add Security Info to Swagger Docs
Using Micronaut Annotation Mapping to Automatically Add Security Info to Swagger Docs,In my last post I introduced how to create a custom security rule in Mirconaut which allows yo...
Custom Micronaut Security Rules
Custom Micronaut Security Rules,Micronaut comes with a few useful security rules such as ip filtering, url pattern matching and an annotation inspecting rule. However, extending th...
CLI applications with Micronaut and Picocli
CLI applications with Micronaut and Picocli, Micronaut Discovery (3 Part Series) 1 A Micronaut introduction 2 CLI applications with Micronaut and Picocli 3 Native images with Micro...
A Micronaut introduction
A Micronaut introduction, Micronaut Discovery (3 Part Series) 1 A Micronaut introduction 2 CLI applications with Micronaut and Picocli 3 Native images with Micronaut and GraalVM No...
DynamoDB Client using Micronaut, Maven and GraalVM
DynamoDB Client using Micronaut, Maven and GraalVM, 1. Overview It will be a simple how-to article where I will be showing how to implement simple rest DynamoDB client using Micron...
Testing Micronaut Kafka Streams
Testing Micronaut Kafka Streams,Here’s an example of integration testing Micronaut Kafka Streams applications - https://github.com/PhilHardwick/micronaut-avro-streams-example. It ...