Seeking Mentorship in Java Development, Figma Design, and UI/UX for Aspiring Software Developer
Seeking Mentorship in Java Development, Figma Design, and UI/UX for Aspiring Software Developer, PG Zoology Student | Aspiring Java Developer & Figma Designer | Passionate Abou...
Police Department Management Simulator
Police Department Management Simulator,Looking for someone that can guide me through making a police department management simulator (hiring/firing, budgeting, creating divisions o...
Introducing: From Scratch Code
Introducing: From Scratch Code,THE BIG CITY—From Scratch Enterprises LLC (ticker: FSEL) announced its newest venture Monday, From Scratch Code (ticker: FSC). Members of the media ...
When you realize half your car is stuck in a frozen lake.
When you realize half your car is stuck in a frozen lake.,One time I was driving on an icy road in my GTI. Then I heard a crunch and it tilted sideways. It was actually partially t...