How to Configure VSCode for Auto Formatting and Linting in Python
How to Configure VSCode for Auto Formatting and Linting in Python, Python Development (3 Part Series) 1 Getting Started with Python: Creating a Hello World Project Using Poetry 2 H...
Chickity-check yo self before you wreck yo self!
Chickity-check yo self before you wreck yo self!,Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you pushed a commit to a branch for review, only to discover you made a spelling ...
My 2020 Python linting setup: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the automated code formatting
My 2020 Python linting setup: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the automated code formatting, Prologue No matter if a team works using pair programming or by requiring code ...
TIL – 🧹 unimport linter formatter
TIL - 🧹 unimport linter formatter, Jeff Triplett @webology Unimport - A linter & formatter for finding & removing unused import statements. - looks good to me. If it works...
Useful Flake8 Plugins for Python Linting
Useful Flake8 Plugins for Python Linting,Flake8 is like lint and LEGO® bricks. A great combination. You know the fuzzies that inevitably get intermixed with the bricks over time? ...
Using Flake8 and pyproject.toml with FlakeHell
Using Flake8 and pyproject.toml with FlakeHell,More and more, I am using Python tools like Poetry and Black that use pyproject.toml as a central configuration file for packaging an...